Let’s have a fun party with friends!
So I guess they’re actually going to put MapleStory Village (a mobile game) in game, haha. It’s literally Farmville with MapleStory characters and items, man that patch is going to be bad. There was also a Tespia patch with some skill changes, look past the cut for those~
Incline Power (1st): duration has been increased from 180 seconds to 240 seconds
Linear Perspective (2nd): duration has been increased from 180 seconds to 240 seconds
Dual Breed Defensive (3rd): passive effect of 400 defense and magic defense has been added
Combat Switching (3rd): Shoot Down is now the left mode, Divide is the right mode
Hologram Gravity (4th): Penetrate is now the left mode, Force Field is now the up mode
Instant Shock (4th): chance to attempt to avoid an attack has been decreased from 50% to 40%
Ooparts Code (4th): duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds
Blade Dancing – Reinforce (Hyper): level requirement has been increased from 143 to 162
Blade Dancing – Fast Movement (Hyper): level requirement has been decreased from 162 to 143