Hey guys! I mentioned in my last post that registration for the MapleStory 2 Alpha Test would open yesterday, and it did! Some people have asked me how they can sign up and so I’ll mention that in this post, as well as information regarding PC requirements and other assorted Alpha test shenanigans.
You can check out the updated/redesigned MapleStory 2 homepage here if you want.

For those of you that have accounts with Nexon Korea, you can sign up for the Alpha test by going to the homepage and pressing the Apply to be a Tester button beside King Slime. Make sure you’re logged in first.

You’ll then have to confirm your information and then comes step 2. It’s just a bunch of questions you have to fill out.
1. Please choose your gender.And then press the red button to submit, you’re done! You will be contacted by email later if you are accepted to the Alpha test!
2. Please choose your year of birth.
- Male
- Female
3. Which of these games would you say you have played the most in the last 3 months?
4. Which feature of MapleStory 2 are you most excited for?
- League of Legends
- Sudden Attack
- Dungeon and Fighter
- FIFA Online 3
- MapleStory
- Other (please enter the game name here)
5. Please note what you are expecting from this alpha test.
- The large variety of character customization options
- The cube style’s cute and charming maps
- The 3D characters’ exciting and dynamic combat
- The 4 classes and 8 adventurer jobs
- The large variety of fascinating boss raids
- The construction system that allows you to create houses and maps
- Other (please enter here)

Here is the schedule for the Alpha test! Registration will be open from August 28 to September 10, and those who are chosen to participate will be notified on September 15. The test itself will take place from September 17 to 21.

On testing days, there are time limits for when users can play. On the 17th/18th/19th, the game will be open from 6pm ~ 11pm, and on the 20th/21st, it will be open from 12pm ~ 11pm.

They also posted information about the game’s graphics and system requirements. Users will be able to change the graphics to better fit their computer’s specs. Above is a Slime monster, and you can see that on High, there are much more detailed textures.

The skill motions and town backgrounds will also be affected, obviously being more detailed on High settings.

You will be able to change the graphics from Low/Medium/High/Best. Each one comes with its own settings on the different effects in the game. I’m not sure if you can create your own custom settings (but it’s probably a good bet that you can).
Effect quality will change how good different things look, based on the stage (1 being worst and 3 being best). Brightness is self explanatory. Anti-aliasing makes outlines smoother and less jagged. Real-time shadows means that shadows from objects in the game will update constantly based on your position and light sources.

They also posted the average system requirements for each graphics settings. As you can see, the Low settings’ requirements are quite low, so I don’t think anyone will need to worry about being able to run MapleStory 2 haha.

The two GMs, Warwick and Jackie, also answered some other questions users had about the Alpha test. They confirmed that after this Alpha test is over, all information (including character names, levels gained, and items acquired) will be deleted.
In addition, users will be able to post freely about anything they encounter during the Alpha test. Yay! I’ll definitely be on the prowl for information and videos to share with you guys.
Finally, after the test is over, the information acquired will be used to improve MapleStory 2 until the next testing stage is ready! They will be releasing a more detailed schedule for future testing at a later date.