~ The "Messed Up Your Stats? Don't Fret" Guide! ~
Well, I have seen people asking about their stats and AP allocation in the forum and have also seen people restarting characters even at high levels because of messed up stats, so I thought I'd come up with a mini guide with alternatives for people (like myself) who have messed up stats. I guess most higher levels here already know of these ways, but since this is under the beginner playpen... so, if you have anything to contribute, feel free to post them up!
The Guide Version 1.1
100% Written by KoreanStar
So you have messed up your stats because you didn't know how to add them in the beginning, and you find yourself slightly behind in terms of stats and attack compared to your friend with normal stats at the same level. So now what? This guide is here to offer alternatives on how you can improve your attack and overall stats despite the messed up AP allocation so you do not fall below the "expected average" range of stats and attack.
As I'm a magician, I'll mainly use mages as an example here. But of course the basic concepts are applicable to all classes!
Methods for Beginners
Method #1: Leave it
The easiest way is to just leave the messed up stats alone and continue training, especially when you've trained till high levels like 5x and above. One of my magician friends has totally messed up stats (more than 15 Str and Dex) but he decided to ignore it and continue training. So if you're here for just casual (and I really mean casual) gaming), well, you can choose this option.
Pros: Trouble-free.
Cons: Have to live with slightly below-average stats/attack.
Choose if: You don't really care about the differences in attack.
Method #2: Restart
This is a common method used by many players, especially lower levels. This time, what you do is to create a new character, roll out perfect or normal stats* (if you're lazy enough), and restart all over again using this character.* The difference between Perfect and Normal stats is that perfect stats starts with the lowest combination of unwanted stats. For example, for mage:Anything more than 5/5 for unwanted stats (Str and Dex in a mage's case) is considered too much. For your own class perfect/normal stats allocation, check out the various guides in your respective class forum.
Perfect >> Str / Dex / Int / Luk = 4/4/x/x
Normal >> Str / Dex / Int / Luk = 4/5/x/x or 5/4/x/x or 5/5/x/x
Pros: You get perfect or normal stats!
Cons: Waste time; have to train all over again.
Choose if: Your character is still at low levels; you totally messed up your stats; or you have lots of time.
Method #3: AP Reset Card
You can also use AP reset card to reset your wrongly pumped AP instead of restarting all over again. Just buy the card from cash shop and use it to reset the stats for your character.
Pros: Fast and easy, no need to retrain.
Cons: Need real $; it's not cheap either.
Choose if: You have lots of money; or you only need to reset one or two AP.
Method #4: Pump more AP next level
Perhaps, you do not have any messed up stats, or do not care about your mispumped AP like in Method 1 (e.g INT for thief), but somehow, you do not have sufficient AP points for a particular required stats for your current level (e.g. DEX for thief), then all you need to do is to pump in more AP to that in your next few levels until you reached the minimum required for that concurrent level.
Pros: Easy to do, no money needed
Cons: Might take a few levels before you reach the minimum amount required; also need to sacrifice some AP points which could have been placed into the other required stat.
Choose if: You do not have messed up stats or only have less than 5 wrongly added AP points.
Methods for Advanced Players of Maple Story
Now, what if you're high level and don't wish to ignore, restart or use AP reset card to reset that more than 5 mispumped AP points?
Let's take for example, a mage whose magic attack is less than average because
- He had less INT and Luck than normal because he pumped them into STR previously.
- His weapon's MA is below average.
- Get above average equips to pull up the stats.
- Scroll his equips.
Method #5: Above average Equips
In this case, getting above average equips can give you that extra attack or stats that you've missed out on. For the example of the mage above, instead of getting a normal or below above average calas or calaf at a dirt-cheap price, try to look for one with +5 INT or +2 LUK (depending on which you need).
Or if you've missed out on LUK previously, get a palette with +Luck instead of a normal panlid. One of my magician friends who previously pumped a few extra points into STR actually bought a +3 luck palette so that he will have the standard of +3 luck every level and each time he level up (for the next few levels), he can pump all 5 AP into INT to increase his 'intelligence'. However, make sure that you do pump in enough LUK (or any other stats) in order to meet the minimum requirement for the next equip.
The same goes for all other classes, just plan accordingly for your job; e.g. paying a bit more for a +54 WA Korean Fan for thief is better than saving on a +47 WA K-Fan, especially when you've wasted a few AP into unnecessary stats.
Pros: Don't have to restart or spend real $ on AP reset card.
Cons: Need a lot of mesos.
Choose if: You are rich enough to buy the above average items.
Method #6: Scroll the equips
Alternatively, you can scroll your current equips to give it that extra "power". For instance, get 10% or 60% scrolls for your Blue Screamer or Angelic Betrayal, or 60% INT or LUK or STR or DEX scrolls for your cape, or 5 100% INT scrolls for your earrings to get extra MA for mage. In fact, I spend millions on 7 60% wand scrolls just to get a +5 success rate on my below average wand. (Broke now! >_<)
Of course it would be even better if you can get an above average equip AND scroll it!
Pros: Your below average stats are likely to become above average if you scroll and pass almost everything.
Cons: Need a lot on mesos; success of scrolling of scrolls that are not 100% depends on your real-life luck.
Choose if: You are rich enough to buy scrolls.
Like I say, this is just a guide with suggestions on what you can do to make up for your messed stats. Whatever your decision is, just plan as you like. Good luck!