A new patch has been released to Tespia, this time with the Archer reorganization (finally!)! It also includes some more changes to Warriors and Mages as well as Battlemages, Aran, Evan, Mercedes, and Xenon. There was also a new theme dungeon released along with the Auction House system. Did you notice the new archer’s hairpin is the old cursor? What a cute throwback!
I am in love with the new archer changes (except for the skill effects, Bowmasters should be red, not green! Also Uncountable Arrow is actually so ugly). Bowmasters rely on quick repositioning and rapid fire attacks while Marksman stop monsters in their tracks and move further away to do more damage!
The Auction House has been added! Currently I don’t think it’s functional, but someone recorded a video of the UI.
A new theme dungeon for levels 50 or more called Rienna Channel has been added! You can access it through Rien’s port after talking to Lilin.
Ariant Coliseum has returned!! This time it’s for levels 50 to 80 and can be played 10 times per day. You can enter the queue from anywhere or go to the party quest map and talk to Cesar. You no longer need slots to play as the items used have been turned into ‘action keys’.
Autopilot Riding has been expanded to the El Nath continent, Rien, and Ereb.
Easy Mode Magnus has been added, and can be fought in a party of 1 or more level 90+. You can defeat him 2 times per week and it does not share a limit with Normal or Hard Mode Magnus.
A new NPC in Leafre, Bucklerman has been added to sell general mastery books.
First Job
Triple Blow: damage has been increased from 130% to 150%
Teleport: max level has been decreased from 15 to 5
New! Art of Staff: Gain knowledge of how to handle your staff, increasing your magic attack by 20 as well as your speed, jump, and maximum speed by 20%. (max level: 20)
Removed! Finish Attack
Second Job
Staff Booster: weapon speed boost has been decreased from 2 stages to 1
Blood Drain: max level has been decreased from 15 to 10
Removed! Advanced Blue Aura: moved to 4th job
Third Job
Death Blow: damage has been increased from 140% to 165%
Superbody: duration has been increased to 150 seconds, max level has been increased from 10 to 20
Fourth Job
New! Advanced Blue Aura: max level decreased to 10
Advanced Yellow Aura: max level decreased to 10
Advanced Dark Aura: max level decreased to 10
New! Staff Expert: Your mastery over the staff is increased to 70% as well as your magic attack by 30 and your minimum critical damage by 15%. (max level: 30)
Battle Rage: cooldown has been removed
Shelter: cooldown has been decreased from 420 seconds to 180
Finish Blow: damage has been increased from 200% to 240%, new effect of 20% defense ignore and 20% increased damage to bosses has been added
Removed! Union Aura
New! Battle Master: Become a master of battle, fighting without fear, increasing your stance by 100%, your maximum critical damage by 20%, and your damage cap by 5,000,000 for 180 seconds. [required level: 150]
Fourth Job
Defense Break: new effects of 30% max critical damage and 15% boss damage have been added
Lightning Edge: new effect has been added where when used on a boss, a debuff will be applied for 10 seconds that increases Ring of Ishtar’s damage by 20% and ignores the boss’s touch damage
Ring of Ishtar: can now move while using this skill
the way basic attacks, Double Swing, and Triple Swing link together has been changed
Combo Drain and Combo Barrier have been active buff skills, they no longer require key commands
8th Growth
Onyx’s Protection: passive effect of 15% resistance to states and elements has been added
Summon Onyx Dragon: duration has been increased from 3o to 45 seconds, cooldown has been decreased from 90 to 80 seconds, now when summoned your resistance to states and elements will be increased by 80%
can now use Nova Hero’s Will while Transfigured
First Job
Multilateral II: new effect of 5% HP and MP has been added
Incline Power: passive all stats boost has been removed
Second Job
Multilateral III: new effect of 5% HP and MP has been added
Linear Perspective: passive all stats boost has been removed
Third Job
Multilateral IV: new effect of 10% HP and MP has been added
Dual Breed Defensive: passive all stats boost has been decreased from 15 to 10
Fourth Job
Multilateral V: new effect of 10% HP and MP has been added
Ooparts Code: passive all stats boost has been deleted
Iron Body: new effect of reducing damage taken from monsters within 150 range by 10% has been added
Warrior Mastery: new effect of increasing your HP by 20 for each level has been added
Combo Force: when attacking a boss, there is now a 80% chance to regain the Combo Count used to activate the skill
Rage: damage reduction has been increased from 20% to 30%
Final Attack: effect has been renewed
Combo Synergy: new effect of having a 30% chance to charge a Combo Count when attacked by a monster has been added
Brave Slash: number of monsters hit has been increased from 4 to 6
Panic: duration of increased Combo usage has been decreased from 30 seconds to 10 seconds
Raging Blow: range has been increased, damage has been increased from 240% to 268%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, now last two hits will be critical instead of just last one, now when used during Enrage, you will hit 335% damage 5 times on one monster with an increased range and a new effect
Enrage: Combo counters required has been decreased from 10 to 1, has been changed into an On/Off skill
Incising: damage has been decreased from 900% to 576%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 3, Combo counters required has been decreased from 8 to 4, DoT and buff duration have been increased from 20 to 30 seconds, delay has been decreased
Elemental Charge: damage per Elemental Charge has been removed, now you gain 2% increased damage and healing, 8 attack, 2% resistance to states and elements, and 2% damage reduction per Charge
White Knight
Shield Mastery: defense and magic defense boost has been increased from 50% to 250%, status and element resistance has been increased from 20% to 40%, new effect of 60% chance of stun when Guarding an attack has been added, Shield Mastery now applies if you are wearing the subweapon Rosario
Parashock Guard: party defense boost has been removed, now decreases party’s damage taken by 20%, attack boost has been increased from 10 to 20
Achilles: damage reduction has been increased from 20% to 30%
Blast: number of monsters hit has been decreased from 5 to 1, previous effects based on number of Elemental Charges has been removed, now increases your critical chance by 40%, defense ignore by 30%, and total damage by 40% for 45 seconds if you have 5 Elemental Charges active, new effect has been added when used while Hero’s Incising buff is active
Advanced Charge: new effect of increasing your damage by 3% per Elemental Charge and your attack by 12 has been added
Beholder: cooldown has been decreased from 120 seconds to 60
Beholder’s Buff: attack boost has been increased from 30 to 40, new critical chance boost of 10% has been added
Dark Knight
Gungnir Descent: delay has been decreased, cooldown has been decreased from 20 seconds to 8 seconds, new effect of 30% defense ignore has been added
Dark Impale: damage has been increased from 235% to 269%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, defense ignore has been removed
Sacrifice: defense ignore boost has been decreased from 30% to 10%, new effect of 10% boss damage has been added, duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds, passive effect of 30% defense ignore has been added
Reincarnation: now ignores damage reflect while you are invincible, cooldown has been decreased from 600 seconds to 360 seconds
- New! Gungnir Descent – Reinforce: Gungnir Descent’s damage is increased by 20%.
- New! Gungnir Descent – Ignore Guard: Gungnir Descent’s defense ignored is increased by 20%.
- New! Gungnir Descent – Boss Killer: Gungnir Descent’s damage to bosses is increased by 20%.
Removed! Dark Impale – Reinforce/Ignore Guard/Bonus Attack
Magic Guard: can no longer be dispelled
F/P Wizard
Flame Orb: damage has been decreased from 510% to 301%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2
Elemental Drain: the speed at which it recognized DoT around you has been improved to work better
F/P Mage
Explosion: damage has been decreased from 662% to 405%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2
Poison Mist: damage has been increased from 230% to 270%, damage over time has been increased from 140% to 180%
Extreme Magic: now applies to the new Freeze effect
Elemental Adapting (F/P): MP consumed per shield has been decreased from 15% to 2%, maximum number of shields has been increased from 3 to 5, cooldown has been decreased from 300 seconds to 240 seconds
F/P Archmage
*CLARIFICATION* Meteor’s extra attack applies to all skills while Meteor is on cooldown, it’s basically a Final Attack for all your skills (my translation was a bit wrong last patch)
Paralyze: damage has been increased from 200% to 261%, now monsters under the paralysis effect will change colour
Meteor: cooldown has been increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds
Flame Haze: damage has been decreased from 520% to 504%, number of hits has been increased from 5 to 6, cooldown has been increased from 4 to 10 seconds, now decreases the enemy’s defense by 50%, now creates a Poison Mist at the position of the enemy hit, Mist Eruption will now reset the cooldown of this skill
Mist Eruption: if you successfully damage something with this skill, Flame Haze’s cooldown will be refreshed
I/L Wizard
Cold Beam: damage has been increased from 188% to 199%
Thunder Bolt: damage has been increased from 168% to 210%
I/L Mage
Ice Strike: damage has been increased from 275% to 335%
Glacial Chain: damage has been decreased from 420% to 383%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 3
Thunderstorm: delay between attacks has been reduced greatly, number of monsters hit has been decreased from 8 to 5
Elemental Adapting (I/L): duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds, cooldown has been decreased from 300 seconds to 240 seconds
I/L Archmage
*CLARIFICATION* Blizzard’s extra attack applies to all skills while Blizzard is on cooldown, it’s basically a Final Attack for all your skills (my translation was a bit wrong last patch)
Chain Lightning: damage has been decreased from 276% to 273%, number of hits has been increased from 4 to 6, delay has been decreased (back to what it was originally I believe, since last patch they increased the delay)
Freezing Breath: maximum keydown time has been increased from 20 to 25 seconds, cooldown has been increased from 60 to 120 seconds
Frozen Orb: damage has been increased from 180% to 220%, delay has been decreased
Glacial Chain – Cooltime Reduce has been changed to Glacial Chain – Critical Rate: Glacial Chain’s critical chance is increased by 20%.
Holy Arrow: damage has been increased from 310% to 518%, range has been increased, delay has been decreased
Shining Ray: damage has been increased from 250% to 254%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4
Divine Protection: passive state and element resistance has been increased from 20% to 40%, cooldown has been decreased from 300 seconds to 180 seconds
Holy Fountain: can now be used while Zombify status is applied
Dispel: Dispel can now heal stun, seduce, confusion, zombify, and Dark Tornado
Angel Ray: damage has been decreased from 395% to 365%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4, delay has been decreased, now ignores Zombify while healing party members
Genesis: damage has been decreased from 1900% to 810%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 6, cooldown has been increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds, delay has been decreased
Big Bang: range has been increased, defense reduction effect has been increased from 5% to 10%, max number of stacks has been decreased from 8 to 4, defense reduction effect’s duration has been increased from 8 to 15 seconds, this skill can now be used while jumping
Advanced Bless: reduced effects due to the decreased max level have been reverted to the previous effects (max level has not changed, it is still 20)
- New! Advanced Bless – Boss Killer: Advanced Bless increases your damage to bosses by 10%.
Removed! Advanced Bless – Enhance
A new hair has been added for the Archer reorganization (I believe only females can get it?).
- Arrow Blow: damage has been increased from 260% to 295%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 4, max level has been increased from 15 to 20, effect has been renewed
New! Double Jump: While in the air, you can press jump again to move forward, ↑ + ↑ to move upwards, or ↓ + ↓ to fall downwards quickly. (max level: 10)
Archer Mastery: now causes all attacks to not consume normal arrows (attack arrows will still be consumed normally)
Removed! Double Shot
New! Quiver Cartridge: [Bowmaster's Specialized Skill] Create a quiver that holds 10 of 3 different types of arrowheads, which each have different effects when used. Drain Arrows have a 30% chance to drain 20% of the damage you do as HP, Poison Arrows deal 90% damage over time every second for 8 seconds (can stack up to 3 times), and Magic Arrows have a 50% chance to shoot another arrow that deals 220% damage. Pressing the skill key will switch to the next type of arrow and when you run out of one type, you will automatically switch to the next. (max level: 1)
- Arrow Bomb: damage has been increased from 380% to 450%, range has been increased, effect has been renewed
New! Retreat Shot: Jump back while in the air and launch arrows dealing 103% damage continuously while you hold the skill key down (up to maximum of 2 seconds). (max level: 10)
- Soul Arrow: new effect of 30 attack has been added, max level has been increased from 10 to 20, duration has been decreased from 300 seconds to 180 seconds, effect has been renewed
Bow Booster: effect has been renewed
Removed! Double Jump: moved to 1st job
Removed! Silver Hawk
- Flame Shot: damage has been decreased from 520% to 400%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2, range has been increased
New! Hurricane: Fire a storm of arrows at one enemy in front of you, dealing 158% damage per arrow continuously while the skill key is held down. You can move while using this skill but your speed will be decreased to 100%. (max level: 20)
- Phoenix: passive effect of 30% defense and magic defense has been added, effect has been renewed
New! Steig Eisen: Shoot a hook at the farthest enemy in range and move behind them while dealing 170% damage and ignoring all monsters’ touch damage. Passive effect: increase your HP by 40%. (max level: 10)
New! Extreme Archery: Bow: When used, your defense and magic defense will be decreased by 40% while your attack will be increased by 20. Using the skill again will remove the effect (On/Off skill). (max level: 10)
New! Concentration: Whenever you hit an enemy, concentrate and increase your resistance to states and elements by 5%. When you successfully resist a status, this skill will go on cooldown for 30 seconds. Passive effect: 20% resistance to states and elements. (max level: 20)
New! Marksmanship: When attacking monsters, permanently ignore 25% of their defense while increasing your accuracy by 25% and your damage by 15%. (max level: 20)
Removed! Strafe: replaced by Hurricane
Removed! Puppet: Puppet’s playstyle matches Marksman’s but not Bowmaster’s, so it was removed.
Removed! Drain Arrow: replaced by Quiver Cartridge’s Drain Arrows
Removed! Concentrate: effect has been moved to Soul Arrow
Removed! Arrow Rain
New! Arrow Platter: Shoot arrows at an angle dealing 336% damage on up to 4 enemies continuously as long as the skill key is held down (up to a maximum of 15 seconds). You can use the up and down arrow keys to change the direction of the arrows, but you cannot move. (max level: 30)
New! Wounds Shot: Shoot an arrow dealing 530% damage 4 times on one enemy, inflicting wounds that decrease the effectiveness of their healing by 60% for 20 seconds. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. (max level: 10)
New! Uncountable Arrow: Instantly shoot countless arrows at up to 8 enemies in front of you, dealing 340% damage 4 times. (max level: 30)
Illusion Step: new passive effect of ignoring 20% damage taken from monsters has been added
New! Advanced Quiver: The arrowheads of Quiver Cartridge are not consumed for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 30 seconds. Passive effect: Drain Arrows now have a 40% chance to drain 30% HP, Poison Arrows deal 110% damage, and Magic Arrows have a 70% chance to shoot another arrow that deals 260% damage. (max level: 10)
New! Armor Piercing: When attacking, you have a 10% chance to ignore 50% of an enemy’s defense while doing 100% increased damage. For every attack that does not activate this effect, the chance of it occuring will increase by 10% (up to 10 times) and will reset once it does activate. (max level: 20)
- New! Arrow Platter – Boss Killer: Arrow Platter’s damage to bosses is increased by 10%.
- New! Arrow Platter – Extra Target: Arrow Platter’s number of monsters hit is increased by 1.
- New! Arrow Platter – Reinforce: Arrow Platter’s damage is increased by 20%.
- New! Uncountable Arrow – Bonus Attack: Uncountable Arrow’s number of hits is increased by 1.
- New! Uncountable Arrow – Extra Target: Uncountable Arrow’s number of monsters hit is increased by 1.
- New! Uncountable Arrow – Reinforce: Uncountable Arrow’s damage is increased by 20%.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Persist: Sharp Eyes’ duration is increased by 30 seconds.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Critical Rate: Sharp Eyes’ critical chance boost is increased by 5%.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Ignore Guard: Sharp Eyes gains a 5% defense ignore effect.
Removed! Marksmanship: moved to 3rd job
Removed! Ultimate Flame Shot: replaced by Uncountable Arrow
Removed! Spirit Link: Phoenix: effects have been moved to Marksmanship, Phoenix, and Steig Eisen. Resistance to states and elements has been replaced by Concentration
Removed! Elite Puppet: Puppet has been removed, this skill’s effects have been moved to Illusion Step
Removed! Hurricane – Add Range
Removed! Hurricane – Moveable Shot
Removed! Hurricane – Split Damage
Removed! Ultimate Flame Shot – DoT Persist
Removed! Ultimate Flame Shot – DoT Reinforce
Removed! Ultimate Flame Shot – Reinforce
Removed! Phoenix – Reinforce
Removed! Phoenix – Bonus Attack
Removed! Phoenix – Persist
New! Distancing Sense: [Marksman's Specialized Skill] When attacking, monsters close by will be hit with increased critical chance (3%~20% based on every 10 range, minimum of 30 range and maximum of 200) while monsters further away will be hit with increased damage (4%~30%). (max level: 1)
- Iron Arrow: damage has been increased from 380% to 450%, effect has been renewed
New! Net Throwing: Launch a casting net, dealing 215% damage 2 times on up to 8 monsters, with a 70% chance to bind their movements for 10 seconds. (max level: 10)
- Soul Arrow: new effect of 30 attack has been added, max level has been increased from 10 to 20, duration has been decreased from 300 seconds to 180 seconds, effect has been renewed
Crossbow Booster: effect has been renewed
Removed! Golden Eagle
Removed! Double Jump: moved to 1st job
New! Bolt Rupture: Shoot an arrow that has small bolts flying in all directions, dealing 700% damage. The first monster hit will take an extra 200% damage. (max level: 20)
- Dragon Pulse: damage has been increased from 140% to 525%, number of hits has been decreased to 1, effect has been renewed
- Freezer: passive effect of 30% defense and magic defense has been added, effect has been renewed
New! Steig Eisen: Shoot a hook at the farthest enemy in range and move behind them while dealing 170% damage and ignoring all monsters’ touch damage. Passive effect: increase your HP by 40%. (max level: 10)
New! Pain Killer: Eat herbs that you have prepared for your adventures and instantly eliminate a status effect and be immune to status effects for 1 second. There is a cooldown of 300 seconds. Passive effect: 20% resistance to states and elements. (max level: 20)
New! Extreme Archery: Crossbow: When used, your weapon and magic avoid will be decreased by 50% while your maximum critical chance will be increased by 20%. Using the skill again will remove the effect (On/Off skill). (max level: 10)
New! Damage Reversing: Every 8 seconds, 20% of the damage you do will be converted into a shield that absorbs that 60% of the damage you take. You can absorb a maximum of 65% of your maximum health. Each attack will refresh the shield, not stack on to it. (max level: 10)
New! Marksmanship: When attacking monsters, permanently ignore 25% of their defense while increasing your accuracy by 25% and your damage by 15%. (max level: 20)
Removed! Strafe
Removed! Blizzard Shot: replaced by Net Throwing and Bolt Rupture
Removed! Puppet: replaced by 4th job skill Arrow Illusion
Removed! Concentrate: effect has been moved to Soul Arrow
Removed! Arrow Eruption
Piercing: damage has been decreased from 520% to 350%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4, number of monsters hit has been decreased from 8 to 6, charging has been removed, effect has been renewed
- Sniping: effect has been renewed
New! Arrow Illusion: Summon an illusion of an arrow for 30 seconds with 100,000 HP. The arrow will attract nearby enemies and deal 200% damage with a 95% chance to stun them for 4 seconds. In addition, it will reflect the damage it takes as 1200% damage. There is a cooldown of 20 seconds. (max level: 30)
Illusion Step: new passive effect of ignoring 20% damage taken from monsters has been added
New! Additional Bolt: All skills that hit more than once will have their number of hits increased by 1. In addition, Distancing Sense’s maximum critical chance boost is increased to 40% and its maximum total damage boost is increased to 40%. (max level: 10)
New! Weakness Finding: The further you are to an enemy, the easier it is to find their weaknesses, ignoring 4% of their defense for every 40 range you are away from them, up to a maximum of 50% (minimum of 10% defense ignored). (max level: 20)
New! Last Man Standing: If an enemy is alone and has no monsters within 80 range of either side, the damage done to it will be increased by 20%. (max level: 10)
- New! Sharp Eyes – Persist: Sharp Eyes’ duration is increased by 30 seconds.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Critical Rate: Sharp Eyes’ critical chance boost is increased by 5%.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Ignore Guard: Sharp Eyes gains a 5% defense ignore effect.
Removed! Marksmanship: moved to 3rd job
Removed! Spirit Link: Freezer: effects have been moved to Marksmanship, Phoenix, and Steig Eisen. Resistance to states and elements has been replaced by Pain Killer
Removed! Ultimate Strafe: Strafe was removed so this was as well
Removed! Freezer – Reinforce
Removed! Freezer – Bonus Attack
Removed! Freezer – Persist
A new patch has been released to Tespia, this time with the Archer reorganization (finally!)! It also includes some more changes to Warriors and Mages as well as Battlemages, Aran, Evan, Mercedes, and Xenon. There was also a new theme dungeon released along with the Auction House system. Did you notice the new archer’s hairpin is the old cursor? What a cute throwback!I am in love with the new archer changes (except for the skill effects, Bowmasters should be red, not green! Also Uncountable Arrow is actually so ugly). Bowmasters rely on quick repositioning and rapid fire attacks while Marksman stop monsters in their tracks and move further away to do more damage!The Auction House has been added! Currently I don’t think it’s functional, but someone recorded a video of the UI.A new theme dungeon for levels 50 or more called Rienna Channel has been added! You can access it through Rien’s port after talking to Lilin.Ariant Coliseum has returned!! This time it’s for levels 50 to 80 and can be played 10 times per day. You can enter the queue from anywhere or go to the party quest map and talk to Cesar. You no longer need slots to play as the items used have been turned into ‘action keys’.Autopilot Riding has been expanded to the El Nath continent, Rien, and Ereb.Easy Mode Magnus has been added, and can be fought in a party of 1 or more level 90+. You can defeat him 2 times per week and it does not share a limit with Normal or Hard Mode Magnus.A new NPC in Leafre, Bucklerman has been added to sell general mastery books.Battlemage
First JobTriple Blow: damage has been increased from 130% to 150%
Teleport: max level has been decreased from 15 to 5
New! Art of Staff: Gain knowledge of how to handle your staff, increasing your magic attack by 20 as well as your speed, jump, and maximum speed by 20%. (max level: 20)
Removed! Finish Attack
Second JobStaff Booster: weapon speed boost has been decreased from 2 stages to 1
Blood Drain: max level has been decreased from 15 to 10
Removed! Advanced Blue Aura: moved to 4th job
Third JobDeath Blow: damage has been increased from 140% to 165%
Superbody: duration has been increased to 150 seconds, max level has been increased from 10 to 20
Fourth JobNew! Advanced Blue Aura: max level decreased to 10
Advanced Yellow Aura: max level decreased to 10
Advanced Dark Aura: max level decreased to 10
New! Staff Expert: Your mastery over the staff is increased to 70% as well as your magic attack by 30 and your minimum critical damage by 15%. (max level: 30)
Battle Rage: cooldown has been removed
Shelter: cooldown has been decreased from 420 seconds to 180
Finish Blow: damage has been increased from 200% to 240%, new effect of 20% defense ignore and 20% increased damage to bosses has been added
HyperRemoved! Union Aura
New! Battle Master: Become a master of battle, fighting without fear, increasing your stance by 100%, your maximum critical damage by 20%, and your damage cap by 5,000,000 for 180 seconds. [required level: 150]
Fourth JobDefense Break: new effects of 30% max critical damage and 15% boss damage have been added
Lightning Edge: new effect has been added where when used on a boss, a debuff will be applied for 10 seconds that increases Ring of Ishtar’s damage by 20% and ignores the boss’s touch damage
Ring of Ishtar: can now move while using this skill
the way basic attacks, Double Swing, and Triple Swing link together has been changed
Combo Drain and Combo Barrier have been active buff skills, they no longer require key commands
8th GrowthOnyx’s Protection: passive effect of 15% resistance to states and elements has been added
HyperSummon Onyx Dragon: duration has been increased from 3o to 45 seconds, cooldown has been decreased from 90 to 80 seconds, now when summoned your resistance to states and elements will be increased by 80%
can now use Nova Hero’s Will while Transfigured
First JobMultilateral II: new effect of 5% HP and MP has been added
Incline Power: passive all stats boost has been removed
Second JobMultilateral III: new effect of 5% HP and MP has been added
Linear Perspective: passive all stats boost has been removed
Third JobMultilateral IV: new effect of 10% HP and MP has been added
Dual Breed Defensive: passive all stats boost has been decreased from 15 to 10
Fourth JobMultilateral V: new effect of 10% HP and MP has been added
Ooparts Code: passive all stats boost has been deleted
SwordsmanIron Body: new effect of reducing damage taken from monsters within 150 range by 10% has been added
Warrior Mastery: new effect of increasing your HP by 20 for each level has been added
FighterCombo Force: when attacking a boss, there is now a 80% chance to regain the Combo Count used to activate the skill
Rage: damage reduction has been increased from 20% to 30%
Final Attack: effect has been renewed
CrusaderCombo Synergy: new effect of having a 30% chance to charge a Combo Count when attacked by a monster has been added
Brave Slash: number of monsters hit has been increased from 4 to 6
Panic: duration of increased Combo usage has been decreased from 30 seconds to 10 seconds
HeroRaging Blow: range has been increased, damage has been increased from 240% to 268%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, now last two hits will be critical instead of just last one, now when used during Enrage, you will hit 335% damage 5 times on one monster with an increased range and a new effect
Enrage: Combo counters required has been decreased from 10 to 1, has been changed into an On/Off skill
Incising: damage has been decreased from 900% to 576%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 3, Combo counters required has been decreased from 8 to 4, DoT and buff duration have been increased from 20 to 30 seconds, delay has been decreased
PageElemental Charge: damage per Elemental Charge has been removed, now you gain 2% increased damage and healing, 8 attack, 2% resistance to states and elements, and 2% damage reduction per Charge
White KnightShield Mastery: defense and magic defense boost has been increased from 50% to 250%, status and element resistance has been increased from 20% to 40%, new effect of 60% chance of stun when Guarding an attack has been added, Shield Mastery now applies if you are wearing the subweapon Rosario
Parashock Guard: party defense boost has been removed, now decreases party’s damage taken by 20%, attack boost has been increased from 10 to 20
Achilles: damage reduction has been increased from 20% to 30%
PaladinBlast: number of monsters hit has been decreased from 5 to 1, previous effects based on number of Elemental Charges has been removed, now increases your critical chance by 40%, defense ignore by 30%, and total damage by 40% for 45 seconds if you have 5 Elemental Charges active, new effect has been added when used while Hero’s Incising buff is active
Advanced Charge: new effect of increasing your damage by 3% per Elemental Charge and your attack by 12 has been added
SpearmanBeholder: cooldown has been decreased from 120 seconds to 60
BerserkerBeholder’s Buff: attack boost has been increased from 30 to 40, new critical chance boost of 10% has been added
Dark KnightGungnir Descent: delay has been decreased, cooldown has been decreased from 20 seconds to 8 seconds, new effect of 30% defense ignore has been added
Dark Impale: damage has been increased from 235% to 269%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, defense ignore has been removed
Sacrifice: defense ignore boost has been decreased from 30% to 10%, new effect of 10% boss damage has been added, duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds, passive effect of 30% defense ignore has been added
Reincarnation: now ignores damage reflect while you are invincible, cooldown has been decreased from 600 seconds to 360 seconds
- New! Gungnir Descent – Reinforce: Gungnir Descent’s damage is increased by 20%.
- New! Gungnir Descent – Ignore Guard: Gungnir Descent’s defense ignored is increased by 20%.
- New! Gungnir Descent – Boss Killer: Gungnir Descent’s damage to bosses is increased by 20%.
Removed! Dark Impale – Reinforce/Ignore Guard/Bonus Attack
MagicianMagic Guard: can no longer be dispelled
F/P WizardFlame Orb: damage has been decreased from 510% to 301%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2
Elemental Drain: the speed at which it recognized DoT around you has been improved to work better
F/P MageExplosion: damage has been decreased from 662% to 405%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2
Poison Mist: damage has been increased from 230% to 270%, damage over time has been increased from 140% to 180%
Extreme Magic: now applies to the new Freeze effect
Elemental Adapting (F/P): MP consumed per shield has been decreased from 15% to 2%, maximum number of shields has been increased from 3 to 5, cooldown has been decreased from 300 seconds to 240 seconds
F/P Archmage*CLARIFICATION* Meteor’s extra attack applies to all skills while Meteor is on cooldown, it’s basically a Final Attack for all your skills (my translation was a bit wrong last patch)Paralyze: damage has been increased from 200% to 261%, now monsters under the paralysis effect will change colour
Meteor: cooldown has been increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds
Flame Haze: damage has been decreased from 520% to 504%, number of hits has been increased from 5 to 6, cooldown has been increased from 4 to 10 seconds, now decreases the enemy’s defense by 50%, now creates a Poison Mist at the position of the enemy hit, Mist Eruption will now reset the cooldown of this skill
Mist Eruption: if you successfully damage something with this skill, Flame Haze’s cooldown will be refreshed
I/L WizardCold Beam: damage has been increased from 188% to 199%
Thunder Bolt: damage has been increased from 168% to 210%
I/L MageIce Strike: damage has been increased from 275% to 335%
Glacial Chain: damage has been decreased from 420% to 383%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 3
Thunderstorm: delay between attacks has been reduced greatly, number of monsters hit has been decreased from 8 to 5
Elemental Adapting (I/L): duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds, cooldown has been decreased from 300 seconds to 240 seconds
I/L Archmage*CLARIFICATION* Blizzard’s extra attack applies to all skills while Blizzard is on cooldown, it’s basically a Final Attack for all your skills (my translation was a bit wrong last patch)Chain Lightning: damage has been decreased from 276% to 273%, number of hits has been increased from 4 to 6, delay has been decreased (back to what it was originally I believe, since last patch they increased the delay)
Freezing Breath: maximum keydown time has been increased from 20 to 25 seconds, cooldown has been increased from 60 to 120 seconds
Frozen Orb: damage has been increased from 180% to 220%, delay has been decreased
Glacial Chain – Cooltime Reduce has been changed to Glacial Chain – Critical Rate: Glacial Chain’s critical chance is increased by 20%.
ClericHoly Arrow: damage has been increased from 310% to 518%, range has been increased, delay has been decreased
PriestShining Ray: damage has been increased from 250% to 254%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4
Divine Protection: passive state and element resistance has been increased from 20% to 40%, cooldown has been decreased from 300 seconds to 180 seconds
Holy Fountain: can now be used while Zombify status is applied
Dispel: Dispel can now heal stun, seduce, confusion, zombify, and Dark Tornado
BishopAngel Ray: damage has been decreased from 395% to 365%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4, delay has been decreased, now ignores Zombify while healing party members
Genesis: damage has been decreased from 1900% to 810%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 6, cooldown has been increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds, delay has been decreased
Big Bang: range has been increased, defense reduction effect has been increased from 5% to 10%, max number of stacks has been decreased from 8 to 4, defense reduction effect’s duration has been increased from 8 to 15 seconds, this skill can now be used while jumping
Advanced Bless: reduced effects due to the decreased max level have been reverted to the previous effects (max level has not changed, it is still 20)
- New! Advanced Bless – Boss Killer: Advanced Bless increases your damage to bosses by 10%.
Removed! Advanced Bless – Enhance
A new hair has been added for the Archer reorganization (I believe only females can get it?).Archer
Bowman- Arrow Blow: damage has been increased from 260% to 295%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 4, max level has been increased from 15 to 20, effect has been renewed
New! Double Jump: While in the air, you can press jump again to move forward, ↑ + ↑ to move upwards, or ↓ + ↓ to fall downwards quickly. (max level: 10)
Archer Mastery: now causes all attacks to not consume normal arrows (attack arrows will still be consumed normally)
Removed! Double Shot
HunterNew! Quiver Cartridge: [Bowmaster's Specialized Skill] Create a quiver that holds 10 of 3 different types of arrowheads, which each have different effects when used. Drain Arrows have a 30% chance to drain 20% of the damage you do as HP, Poison Arrows deal 90% damage over time every second for 8 seconds (can stack up to 3 times), and Magic Arrows have a 50% chance to shoot another arrow that deals 220% damage. Pressing the skill key will switch to the next type of arrow and when you run out of one type, you will automatically switch to the next. (max level: 1)
- Arrow Bomb: damage has been increased from 380% to 450%, range has been increased, effect has been renewed
New! Retreat Shot: Jump back while in the air and launch arrows dealing 103% damage continuously while you hold the skill key down (up to maximum of 2 seconds). (max level: 10)
- Soul Arrow: new effect of 30 attack has been added, max level has been increased from 10 to 20, duration has been decreased from 300 seconds to 180 seconds, effect has been renewed
Bow Booster: effect has been renewed
Removed! Double Jump: moved to 1st job
Removed! Silver Hawk
Ranger- Flame Shot: damage has been decreased from 520% to 400%, number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2, range has been increased
New! Hurricane: Fire a storm of arrows at one enemy in front of you, dealing 158% damage per arrow continuously while the skill key is held down. You can move while using this skill but your speed will be decreased to 100%. (max level: 20)
- Phoenix: passive effect of 30% defense and magic defense has been added, effect has been renewed
New! Steig Eisen: Shoot a hook at the farthest enemy in range and move behind them while dealing 170% damage and ignoring all monsters’ touch damage. Passive effect: increase your HP by 40%. (max level: 10)
New! Extreme Archery: Bow: When used, your defense and magic defense will be decreased by 40% while your attack will be increased by 20. Using the skill again will remove the effect (On/Off skill). (max level: 10)
New! Concentration: Whenever you hit an enemy, concentrate and increase your resistance to states and elements by 5%. When you successfully resist a status, this skill will go on cooldown for 30 seconds. Passive effect: 20% resistance to states and elements. (max level: 20)
New! Marksmanship: When attacking monsters, permanently ignore 25% of their defense while increasing your accuracy by 25% and your damage by 15%. (max level: 20)
Removed! Strafe: replaced by Hurricane
Removed! Puppet: Puppet’s playstyle matches Marksman’s but not Bowmaster’s, so it was removed.
Removed! Drain Arrow: replaced by Quiver Cartridge’s Drain Arrows
Removed! Concentrate: effect has been moved to Soul Arrow
Removed! Arrow Rain
BowmasterNew! Arrow Platter: Shoot arrows at an angle dealing 336% damage on up to 4 enemies continuously as long as the skill key is held down (up to a maximum of 15 seconds). You can use the up and down arrow keys to change the direction of the arrows, but you cannot move. (max level: 30)
New! Wounds Shot: Shoot an arrow dealing 530% damage 4 times on one enemy, inflicting wounds that decrease the effectiveness of their healing by 60% for 20 seconds. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. (max level: 10)
New! Uncountable Arrow: Instantly shoot countless arrows at up to 8 enemies in front of you, dealing 340% damage 4 times. (max level: 30)
Illusion Step: new passive effect of ignoring 20% damage taken from monsters has been added
New! Advanced Quiver: The arrowheads of Quiver Cartridge are not consumed for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 30 seconds. Passive effect: Drain Arrows now have a 40% chance to drain 30% HP, Poison Arrows deal 110% damage, and Magic Arrows have a 70% chance to shoot another arrow that deals 260% damage. (max level: 10)
New! Armor Piercing: When attacking, you have a 10% chance to ignore 50% of an enemy’s defense while doing 100% increased damage. For every attack that does not activate this effect, the chance of it occuring will increase by 10% (up to 10 times) and will reset once it does activate. (max level: 20)
- New! Arrow Platter – Boss Killer: Arrow Platter’s damage to bosses is increased by 10%.
- New! Arrow Platter – Extra Target: Arrow Platter’s number of monsters hit is increased by 1.
- New! Arrow Platter – Reinforce: Arrow Platter’s damage is increased by 20%.
- New! Uncountable Arrow – Bonus Attack: Uncountable Arrow’s number of hits is increased by 1.
- New! Uncountable Arrow – Extra Target: Uncountable Arrow’s number of monsters hit is increased by 1.
- New! Uncountable Arrow – Reinforce: Uncountable Arrow’s damage is increased by 20%.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Persist: Sharp Eyes’ duration is increased by 30 seconds.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Critical Rate: Sharp Eyes’ critical chance boost is increased by 5%.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Ignore Guard: Sharp Eyes gains a 5% defense ignore effect.
Removed! Marksmanship: moved to 3rd job
Removed! Ultimate Flame Shot: replaced by Uncountable Arrow
Removed! Spirit Link: Phoenix: effects have been moved to Marksmanship, Phoenix, and Steig Eisen. Resistance to states and elements has been replaced by Concentration
Removed! Elite Puppet: Puppet has been removed, this skill’s effects have been moved to Illusion Step
Removed! Hurricane – Add Range
Removed! Hurricane – Moveable Shot
Removed! Hurricane – Split Damage
Removed! Ultimate Flame Shot – DoT Persist
Removed! Ultimate Flame Shot – DoT Reinforce
Removed! Ultimate Flame Shot – Reinforce
Removed! Phoenix – Reinforce
Removed! Phoenix – Bonus Attack
Removed! Phoenix – Persist
CrossbowmanNew! Distancing Sense: [Marksman's Specialized Skill] When attacking, monsters close by will be hit with increased critical chance (3%~20% based on every 10 range, minimum of 30 range and maximum of 200) while monsters further away will be hit with increased damage (4%~30%). (max level: 1)
- Iron Arrow: damage has been increased from 380% to 450%, effect has been renewed
New! Net Throwing: Launch a casting net, dealing 215% damage 2 times on up to 8 monsters, with a 70% chance to bind their movements for 10 seconds. (max level: 10)
- Soul Arrow: new effect of 30 attack has been added, max level has been increased from 10 to 20, duration has been decreased from 300 seconds to 180 seconds, effect has been renewed
Crossbow Booster: effect has been renewed
Removed! Golden Eagle
Removed! Double Jump: moved to 1st job
SniperNew! Bolt Rupture: Shoot an arrow that has small bolts flying in all directions, dealing 700% damage. The first monster hit will take an extra 200% damage. (max level: 20)
- Dragon Pulse: damage has been increased from 140% to 525%, number of hits has been decreased to 1, effect has been renewed
- Freezer: passive effect of 30% defense and magic defense has been added, effect has been renewed
New! Steig Eisen: Shoot a hook at the farthest enemy in range and move behind them while dealing 170% damage and ignoring all monsters’ touch damage. Passive effect: increase your HP by 40%. (max level: 10)
New! Pain Killer: Eat herbs that you have prepared for your adventures and instantly eliminate a status effect and be immune to status effects for 1 second. There is a cooldown of 300 seconds. Passive effect: 20% resistance to states and elements. (max level: 20)
New! Extreme Archery: Crossbow: When used, your weapon and magic avoid will be decreased by 50% while your maximum critical chance will be increased by 20%. Using the skill again will remove the effect (On/Off skill). (max level: 10)
New! Damage Reversing: Every 8 seconds, 20% of the damage you do will be converted into a shield that absorbs that 60% of the damage you take. You can absorb a maximum of 65% of your maximum health. Each attack will refresh the shield, not stack on to it. (max level: 10)
New! Marksmanship: When attacking monsters, permanently ignore 25% of their defense while increasing your accuracy by 25% and your damage by 15%. (max level: 20)
Removed! Strafe
Removed! Blizzard Shot: replaced by Net Throwing and Bolt Rupture
Removed! Puppet: replaced by 4th job skill Arrow Illusion
Removed! Concentrate: effect has been moved to Soul Arrow
Removed! Arrow Eruption
MarksmanPiercing: damage has been decreased from 520% to 350%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4, number of monsters hit has been decreased from 8 to 6, charging has been removed, effect has been renewed
- Sniping: effect has been renewed
New! Arrow Illusion: Summon an illusion of an arrow for 30 seconds with 100,000 HP. The arrow will attract nearby enemies and deal 200% damage with a 95% chance to stun them for 4 seconds. In addition, it will reflect the damage it takes as 1200% damage. There is a cooldown of 20 seconds. (max level: 30)
Illusion Step: new passive effect of ignoring 20% damage taken from monsters has been added
New! Additional Bolt: All skills that hit more than once will have their number of hits increased by 1. In addition, Distancing Sense’s maximum critical chance boost is increased to 40% and its maximum total damage boost is increased to 40%. (max level: 10)
New! Weakness Finding: The further you are to an enemy, the easier it is to find their weaknesses, ignoring 4% of their defense for every 40 range you are away from them, up to a maximum of 50% (minimum of 10% defense ignored). (max level: 20)
New! Last Man Standing: If an enemy is alone and has no monsters within 80 range of either side, the damage done to it will be increased by 20%. (max level: 10)
- New! Sharp Eyes – Persist: Sharp Eyes’ duration is increased by 30 seconds.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Critical Rate: Sharp Eyes’ critical chance boost is increased by 5%.
- New! Sharp Eyes – Ignore Guard: Sharp Eyes gains a 5% defense ignore effect.
Removed! Marksmanship: moved to 3rd job
Removed! Spirit Link: Freezer: effects have been moved to Marksmanship, Phoenix, and Steig Eisen. Resistance to states and elements has been replaced by Pain Killer
Removed! Ultimate Strafe: Strafe was removed so this was as well
Removed! Freezer – Reinforce
Removed! Freezer – Bonus Attack
Removed! Freezer – Persist