The final patch of the RED update has been released, bringing with it the long-awaited special changes to Dual Blade and Cannon Shooter. In addition, there is new player vs player content, Boss Arena and a theme dungeon with a new concept.
Dual Blade
1st Job (Dual Blade)
Sharp Slash: effect and icon have been renewed
Dark Sight: you can now use Flash Jump while in Dark Sight, using Flash Jump will not cancel Dark Sight
Flash Jump: existing Double Jump effect has been increased to Triple Jump (this means you can now use Flash Jump up to 2 times while in the air)
1st Job+ (Semi Dualer)
Tornado Spin: now if linked with Flying Assaulter, monsters will be pushed forward properly
2nd Job (Dualer)
Karma: Karma’s attack buff will now stack with other attack buffs
2nd Job+ (Dual Master)
Flash Bang: now any monsters affected by Flash Bang will take 10% increased damage from all of Dual Blader’s skills
3rd Job (Slasher)
NEW! Blade Ascension: Attack up to 6 enemies for 175% damage 3 times while rising into the air. This skill can be linked with level 10+ Flying Assaulter to create a quick and seamless attack. (max level: 20)
Bloody Storm: effect and icon have been renewed
4th Job (Dual Blader)
Blade Fury: range has been increased, effect and icon have been renewed
Phantom Blow: range has been increased, effect and icon have been renewed
Dummy Effect: you will no longer have to stand still to use this skill, Dummy Effect no longer cancels Mirror Imaging, Dummy Effect’s health has been decreased from 20000 to 19000, in addition to existing effects when Dummy Effect is destroyed Shadow Evasion will instantly activate (when fighting powerful bosses, installing Dummy Effect will be useful to dodge powerful attacks)
Final Cut: distance moved when this skill is used has been increased greatly, invincibility duration has been increased from 2 to 3 seconds
Sudden Raid: number of hits has been increased from 1 to 3

Maple Warrior: effect has been renewed
Hero’s Will: effect has been renewed
Hidden Blade: in addition to existing effects, Hidden Blade now gives 10% total damage
NEW! Blade Fury – Reinforce: Blade Fury’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
NEW! Blade Fury – Ignore Guard: Blade Fury’s defense ignored is increased. [required level: 177]
NEW! Blade Fury – Extra Target: Blade Fury’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2. [required level: 195]
REMOVED! Sudden Raid – Reinforce
REMOVED! Sudden Raid – DoT Reinforce
REMOVED! Sudden Raid – Cooltime Reduce
Cannon Shooter
1st Job (Pirate)

NEW! Monkey Push: While in the air, press jump to jump once more. This skill can be used during Cannon Jump. (max level: 5)
Cannon Splasher: number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 6
Gigantic Backstep: you can now use this skill during Cannon Jump, max level has been decreased to 10
2nd Job (Cannon Shooter)
Slug Shot: effect and icon have been renewed
Third Job (Cannon Blaster)
NEW! Monkey Furious: Launch a cannon ball at up to 10 enemies in front of you, dealing 180% damage 3 times. The cannon ball will go through them without exploding but will mark them with a ‘Gunpowder’ debuff. Debuffed monsters will take 200% damage every second for 20 seconds and will take 20% increased damage from all of Cannon Shooter’s skills. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds. (required skill: level 20 Monkey Rush Boom) (max level: 20)
Cannon Spike: damage has been increased from 220% to 240%, effect and icon have been renewed
Cannon Jump: this skill can now be activated by pressing ↑ + jump while in the air, distance moved has been increased, during this skill you can use Monkey Push or Gigantic Backstep, you can use this skill after Monkey Push, effect has been renewed
Shooter’s Counterattack: you no longer wield your cannon when this skill activates, this skill’s activation will no longer interrupt movements, damage has been increased from 160% to 200%, effect and icon have been renewed
REMOVED! Monkey Power Boom
Fourth Job (Cannon Master)
Cannon Bazooka: effect and icon have been renewed
Cannon Buster: range has been increased, missile speed has been increased, damage has been increased from 415% to 600%, delay has been increased from 810ms to 900ms, in addition to existing effects Cannon Buster now ignores 20% of an enemy’s defense, effect and icon have been renewed
Overburning Cannon: damage boost has been increased from 40% to 50%

Maple Warrior: effect has been renewed
Hero’s Will: effect has been renewed
Rolling Cannon Rainbow: this skill has been changed from a keydown to an installation, meaning Cannon Shooter can now move around and attack after placing it, it will not activate Damage Reflect
Thanks to Locked of Southperry for skill animations!
A new type of theme dungeon, the Dimensional Library has been opened! It’s a living, breathing record of events that occurred in Maple World! Each book is filled with stories that no one has ever known, come to the Library and read them~
You can access the Dimensional Library through the Dimensional Mirror, if you are level 100 or above.
By talking to the skylark Rita, you can enter a book! This will allow you to directly experience important events that have occurred in the past in Maple World~
Say goodbye to existing theme dungeons’ quests of hunting monsters or collecting items, the Dimensional Library is different. You will become the main character in each of these stories!
The librarian Thales will hand you three books to choose from (you have to do them in order though).
Episode 1: White Mage - hundreds of years ago, there was a genius magician who studied light magic in Maple World. But… where is he now?
This part will feature a Monologue Mode, where you can read the thoughts of characters and click to further the story.
Episode 2: How to Become an Empress - the next in the Empress of Ereb’s lineage, a nervous little girl appears. Can she really be an Empress?
In this part, you’ll have to help Cygnus work on her traits so she’ll be confident in herself!
Episode 3: Black Witch - it has been reported that the Black Wings are planning to assassinate Empress Cygnus! Investigate the disappearance of Dunamis and find out who is causing all of this!
This part features many minigames in which you’ll have to participate in to chase after the culprit.
For each Episode you complete, you’ll get a medal! The first two are called Chasing the White Mage and Empress Maker, which give the same stats (4 to all stats, 160 HP and MP). The third is the Hobby of Reading Books medal and it gives 4 to all stats, 175 HP and MP, and 1 attack/magic attack.
You’ll also get a 21 Day Pendant Expansion Slot for completing all 3 Episodes, and you can extend its duration by 7 days by finding a Piece of Story from monsters inside the theme dungeon. This Pendant slot can be extended up to 3 times (so you can get at most 42 days of an extra Pendant slot).
And you’ll also receive a Mastery Book 20.
A new type of player versus player content, Boss Arena is now open! Click the icon and talk to Spiegelmann to join the waiting list, where you’ll be automatically matched with another player who is close to your level/rank.
There will be two rounds, one where you control the boss and one where you fight the boss (controlled by the other player). First, you’ll have to choose the boss you wish to play, choose 2 of 4 common skills, and your handicap.
With a higher handicap, your boss’s defenses will be lowered and your opponent will do more damage, but you’ll gain better prizes at the end if you win.
The bosses that you can choose from are Magnus, Ani, Arkarium, Dragonica, Cygnus, and Van Leon.
Each boss has 3 attacking skills, 3 regular skills, and the 2 common skills you picked beforehand. They’ll be put on hotkeys for you and they each have cooldowns, so use them wisely!
Players will not be able to use their job’s movement skills but will be given a Flash Jump which can be used up to 10 times per round. You cannot use any potions, pets, Androids, or change equipment/hotkeys while inside.
To win, you’ll have to either exhaust all 10 of the other player’s Death Count (if you are controlling the boss) or defeat the boss and get his health to 0 (if you are fighting the boss). You have 5 minutes to do it.
If after 5 minutes, no winner has been found, one will automatically be chosen based on the remaining Death Count and HP of the boss.
After both rounds have been completed, an overall winner will be chosen and you’ll be able to see the number of rounds you won, the Death Points you got, and the level of you and your opponent.
There is a ranking system for Boss arena, based on your wins and losses! It goes from C rank all the way to S.
And obviously, there’s an item you can get for participating in Boss Arena, it’s the Boss Arena Emblem! This is a special emblem because you can wear it on any character (for jobs that did not receive an Emblem slot beforehand) AND it can receive additional options (unlike already existing ones)!
The Boss Arena Emblem begins at level 60 with 5 to all stats and 1 attack and magic attack. However, its stats will increase as your Boss Arena rank increases! This will not change the potential of the item.
The Emblem is given to you after participating in Boss Arena 10 times.
Also, for every 3 wins in Boss Arena, you’ll receive a Brutal Flame of Reincarnation which resets the additional options on your Emblem at a 100% chance.
They also made some slight changes to Kritias. The number of monsters that spawn in each map has been adjusted and the health and experience of all monsters has been increased! Great change because they actually gave trash exp before haha.
The first event is the RED Thank You event! Until August 19, you can log in and receive the R.E.D. title which gives 2 attack and magic attack, 1 all stats, and 100 HP and MP. You’ll also get the RED Treasure Box which can give one of the following items. This box can be opened once per day until the end of the RED update~
- 60% Chaos Scroll
- 60% Miraculous Chaos Scroll
- 50% Positive Chaos Scroll
- 50% Innocent Scroll
- 10% Clean SLate Scroll
- Gold Potential Stamp
- Advanced Enhancement Scroll
- RED Armor Enhancement Scroll
- Special Potential Scroll
- Magic Powder (purple)
- Essence of Creation
- Superior Item Crystal
In addition, each day you’ll get 2 2x Drop Coupons! This is in addition to the 2 2x Experience Coupons that you are already receiving~
The Mysterious Ice Box event has been updated with new prizes, including the past three types of equipment, RED Coins, love letters, potions, and the Lucky Coin Box which gives some RED Coins.
Season 4 of the Summer Attendance Check event has begun and will run until August 28! This time, you’ll have to collect 30 Bright Suns from monsters around your level each day.
And for the number of days that you participate, you’ll get prizes~
- 1 day: 10 Power Elixirs
- 3 days: 3 RED Coins
- 5 days: 5 RED Coins
- 7 days: Lv. 20 Weapon Liberation Key
- 9 days: 30 RED Coins
- 11 days: Advanced Equipment Enhancement Scroll
- 14 days: 70 RED Coins
Season 4 of the 2013 Summer Achievements event has also begun and will run until August 28. There are 6 achievements for you to accomplish, and for each one you’ll get a title!
- Owls and Monkeys’ Time: get the “I’m Not Old” medal on a Cannon Shooter or Dual Blade (1 all stats title)
- Start! Boss Arena!: get the Boss Arena emblem (1 attack and magic attack title)
- Hot Summer’s Final Gift: participate in a RED Hot Time (50 defense and magic defense title + 2 RED Coins)
- Ice Gogo: open 20 Mysterious Ice RED Boxes (10 accuracy title + 5 RED Coins)
- Day after Day: complete 5 days of the attendance check (2 all stats title)
- Remembering the Red Summer: complete all other achievements (7 all stats, 175 HP and MP, 7 attack and magic attack medal, stats expire after 2 weeks)
The 10th annual Star Star Festival has begun and will run until August 27! You’ll have until September 1 to claim prizes.
If you’re not familiar with this event, basically you have to log in and hold a Pinwheel for 30 minutes. This will give you one Star Star Stamp, and you can collect up to 8 per day. Then, you can trade in these stamps on the MapleStory homepage for both in-game and real life prizes!
Each item requires a certain number of stamps and they each open for trading on different dates/times. Each item has a limited quantity (which I am too lazy to list), so if you want something you should log on fast to get the items you want!
- 15 Power Elixirs - 3 stamps (opens on August 13 at 6PM)
- 7 day Bee Train Riding Coupon - 5 stamps (opens on August 13 at 6PM)
- Revolution Weapon (choose one based on your job, cannot be used on Zero) – 10 stamps (opens on August 14 at 6PM)
- Miracle Circulator - 15 stamps (opens on August 14 at 6PM)
- 50% 5 Star Enhancement Scroll (50% destruction rate) – 20 stamps (opens on August 15 at 6PM)
- 10th Anniversary Black Cape - 20 stamps (opens on August 15 at 6PM)
- 5 Artisan’s Cubes - 20 stamps (opens on August 15 at 6PM)
- 2 Master’s Cubes - 25 stamps (opens on August 16 at 6PM)
- 50% Miraculous Positive Chaos Scroll – 30 stamps (opens on August 16 at 6PM)
- Return Scroll - 30 stamps (opens on August 16 at 6PM)
- 10th Anniversary Black Pendant - 30 stamps (opens on August 16 at 6PM)
- Eternal Flame of Reincarnation - 35 stamps (opens on August 17 at 6PM)
- 20% Clean Slate Scroll - 40 stamps (opens on August 17 at 6PM)
- 90% RED Weapon Scroll for Attack/Magic Attack (gives 9 attack or magic attack) – 40 stamps (opens on August 17 at 6PM)
- 50% Perfect Innocent Scroll - 45 stamps (opens on August 18 at 6PM)
- Protect Shield - 50 stamps (opens on August 19 at 6PM)
- Trendy Royal Hair Coupon - 50 stamps (opens on August 19 at 6PM)
- Fafnir Weapon (random, is not based on your job) – 80 stamps (opens on August 22 at 6PM)
- Tyrant Armor (random shoes, cape or belt, is not based on your job) – 80 stamps (opens on August 22 at 6PM)
- Happy Money 10,000 won Gift Certificate - 5 stamps (lottery) (opens on August 13 at 6PM)
- Nexus 7 2nd Generation - 7 stamps (lottery) (opens on August 13 at 6PM)
- LG XNOTE Tapbook - 7 stamps (lottery) (opens on August 13 at 6PM)
- 3,000,000 won Travel Voucher - 10 stamps (lottery) (opens on August 14 at 6PM)
The Maple Museum King season 3 event has begun and will run until September 11.
Like before, collect items from monsters to fill out the three exhibits in the Maple Museum! You can complete all 3 up to 3 times per day.
Each time you complete all 3 exhibits, you’ll get a buff (7 attack and magic attack, 15 attack and magic attack, or 20 attack and magic attack and 10 speed and jump) for 30 minutes and a certain number of Museum King Treasure Boxes, which can be opened for the above prizes.
- 60% Miraculous Chaos Scroll
- 50% Positive Chaos Scroll
- Advanced Equipment Enhancement Scroll
- 60% Chaos Scroll
- Enhancement Scroll
- Basic Additional Potential Stamp
- Personality trait items
- Mysterious Love Letters
- potions
The 2013 RED Summer Time event has begun and will run until August 28. Stay logged in for 30 minutes and you’ll get a special item! This includes the RED Flame of Reincarnation, a 50% RED Accessory Enhancement Scroll, 3 RED Coins, 2 Star Enhancements, and some buffs.
The Dual Blade & Cannon Shooter, Start of a New Adventure! event has begun and will run until September 11. For all Cannon Shooters and Dual Blades (even if they were made before), you will get special equipment boxes at level 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, and 70.
And secondly, based on your current level, you’ll have to level up a certain amount of times to get an Epic on reveal secondary weapon (level 100) and the I’m Not Old! medal which gives 5 to all stats and 5 attack and magic attack (the stats will expire).
For example, if you are level 59 or less, you will have to get to level 75 but if you are level 60~69, you need to gain 15 levels. This event applies to both new and old DBs and CS.
Finally, there’s a Hot Time on August 17! Be logged in at 2:30 PM on that date to receive the following prizes:
- Character Slot Coupon
- 3 Monster Capture Rate Increasing Coupon
- Free Advancement Coin
- 50% RED Accessory Enhancement Scroll (gives 1 attack and magic attack)
- 50% Positive Chaos Scroll
- 20 RED Coins
If you are lucky, you’ll receive one of the following items as well!
- Tyrant Cloak
- White Angelic Bless
- Zero Android
- Random Adventurer hair coupon
- 3 Artisan’s Cubes
- Digitalize Damage Skin
In the Cash Shop, the new Cockadoodle Chicken package has been released for 9,900 Cash. It comes with a hat, overall, weapon, and gloves.
The Epi’s Box has had its special items updated, including the new Shark Log Ride chair, new mounts, and four Seal Cushions~ I want them!!
And the Pandora’s Box was also updated, to include high level equipment, Loveless weapons, Scarlet weapons, and Premium scrolls.