It’s finally here, the Cygnus Returns update for the Flame Wizard and Night Walker! I can’t believe they added both in one patch haha. There were some other smaller changes which I’ll also talk about.
Along with potential and additional potential, Item Traces will now also carry over the item’s additional options and Soul Weapon. Additional stats given to an item past 16 stars have been changed to be based on both the item level and number of successful stars. The success rate of enhancing has been adjusted.
You can now face Balrog, Hilla, Van Leon, Arkarium, Horntail, and Pink Bean without having to create an expedition, a party will work in the same way. I believe the expedition still exists though, so this is just for convenience.
For jobs like Angelic Burster and Kaiser who have voices added to skills, you can now adjust the volume separately and turn them on or off!
Flame Wizard Skills
Elemental Slash: Strike up to 3 enemies in front of you with a slash of unrefined elemental power dealing 130% damage.
Journey Home: Borrow Shinsoo’s aura to return to the side of the Empress. There is a cooldown of 30 minutes.
Elemental Harmony: Learn the harmony between the elements and increase your affinity for them, increasing your INT by 1 for every 2 character levels.
Elemental Expert: Your mastery over the elements decreases all your attacking skills’ elemental properties by 100%.
- This skill is unlocked after your fourth job advancement.
Elemental Shift: Jump once again while in the air by pressing the jump key with an arrow key.
Cygnus Blessing: The awakened Empress’ blessing protects you from enemies’ attacks, increasing your resistance to states and elements. If other Cygnus jobs exist within your account, you can stack this Link Skill up to 5 times. If linked, this skill’s effects will be reduced. (Link Skill)
- Level 1: 5% resistance (2% if linked).
- Level 2: 10% resistance (5% if linked).
First Job
Orbital Flame: Burn enemies with a flame that flies a certain distance then returns to you. Using the skill with one of the four arrow keys will allow you to choose which direction to fire it. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 181% damage 2 times on up to 4 enemies.
- Level 20: 200% damage 2 times on up to 4 enemies.
Flame Bite: Spit fire in a straight line in front of you to hit enemies. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 85% damage 3 times on up to 4 enemies.
- Level 20: 180% damage 3 times on up to 4 enemies.
Element: Flame: When Orbital Flame is used, the Flame Element will automatically be summoned. For a certain period of time, the summoned Element will increase your magic attack. If you use Orbital Flame again, the buff will be refreshed. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 1 magic attack for 8 seconds.
- Level 10: 10 magic attack for 8 seconds.
Fire Walk: Instantaneously disappear within a flame and jump forward a certain distance. Passively increases defense. Elemental Shift is replaced by this skill. (max level: 5)
- Level 1: defense increased by 11% of your magic defense.
- Level 5: defense increased by 15% of your magic defense.
Fire Repulsion: Some of the damage you take will be redirected to your mana. (max level: 5)
- Level 1: 32% damage will be redirected to MP.
- Level 5: 60% damage will be redirected to MP.
Natural Talent: Blessed with talent, your mana is increased by a certain percentage and a certain amount per level. (max level: 5)
- Level 1: 16% MP increase and 80 MP per level.
- Level 5: 20% MP increase and 120 MP per level.
Second Job
Orbital Flame II: Orbital Flame’s damage and number of monsters hit are increased, and 2 Orbital Flames can now be used at the same time. (required skill: 20 Orbital Flame) (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 212% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies.
- Level 20: 250% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies.
Flame Vortex: Create a flame vortex in front of you, which damages enemies and pushes them back. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 172% damage 2 times on up to 6 enemies.
- Level 20: 210% damage 2 times on up to 6 enemies.
Burn and Rest: Escape from the heat of battle and recover a certain percentage of your mana. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: Recover 2% of your MP. Cooldown of 120 seconds.
- Level 10: Recover 20% of your MP. Cooldown of 120 seconds.
Book of Fire: For a certain period of time, increase your magic attack and attacking speed. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 11 magic attack, 1 attacking speed stage, 120 second duration.
- Level 10: 20 magic attack, 1 attacking speed stage, 300 second duration.
Ignition: The essence of flame magic causes all your skills to create explosions, dealing periodic damage. Monsters affected by Ignition will take damage over time, and if they die while it is on them, it will transfer to nearby enemies. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 28% chance to apply Ignition, 184% damage every second for 10 seconds, 204% explosion damage, 120 second duration.
- Level 10: 100% chance to apply Igniton, 220% damage every second for 10 seconds, 240% explosion damage, 300 second duration.
Fire Blink: Leave a trail of fire at your current location. For a certain period of time, you can reuse Fire Blink to teleport back to your original position. (max level: 5)
- Level 1: 20 second duration.
- Level 5: 100 second duration.
Element: Flame II: Element: Flame’s buff is strengthened. (required skill: 10 Element: Flame) (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 11 magic attack for 8 seconds.
- Level 10: 20 magic attack for 8 seconds.
Scroll Polishing: Your magic attack and mastery are increased. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 1 magic attack, 5% mastery.
- Level 10: 10 magic attack, 50% mastery.
Third Job
Orbital Flame III: Orbital Flame’s damage and range are increased, and 3 Orbital Flames can now be used at the same time. (required skill: 20 Orbital Flame II) (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 262% damage 3 times on up to 8 enemies.
- Level 20: 300% damage 3 times on up to 8 enemies.
Flame Tempesta: Swing a huge flame on both sides of you, damaging and pushing enemies away. Keydown skill. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 253% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies around you.
- Level 20: 405% damage 2 times on up to 8 enemies around you.
Maelstrom: Cause one enemy to become a giant, which draws in and continuously damages enemies. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 205% damage, 20 second duration. Cooldown of 125 seconds.
- Level 20: 300% damage, 20 second duration. Cooldown of 30 seconds.
Born Phoenix: When hit by an attack that would cause you to die, instantly teleport backwards and heal a certain percentage of health. For a short period of time, you will be immune to all damage. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 1% HP restored, 1 second of invulnerability, duration of 110 seconds, cooldown of 1360 seconds.
- Level 20: 20% HP restored, 3 seconds of invulnerability, duration of 300 seconds, cooldown of 600 seconds.
Element: Flame III: Element: Flame’s buff is strengthened. (required skill: Element Flame II) (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 21 magic attack for 8 seconds.
- Level 10: 30 magic attack for 8 seconds.
Liberated Magic: Both your skills’ mana costs and damage are increased. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 106% mana cost and damage increase.
- Level 20: 125% mana cost and damage increase.
Weakness Insight: Your critical chance and minimum critical damage are increased. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 21% critical chance, 16% minimum critical damage.
- Level 10: 30% critical chance, 25% minimum critical damage.
Brilliant Enlightenment: Permanently increase your INT. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 6 INT.
- Level 10: 60 INT.
Fourth Job
Cygnus Knights: Receive the blessing of the awakened Empress, increasing the stats of all party members. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 1% all stats for 30 seconds.
- Level 30: 15% all stats for 900 seconds.
Orbital Flame IV: Orbital Flame’s damage is increased, and 4 Orbital Flames can now be used at the same time. (required skill: 20 Orbital Flame III) (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 312% damage 3 times on up to 8 enemies.
- Level 30: 370% damage 3 times on up to 8 enemies.
Blazing Extinction: Launch a flame sphere forward. As enemies enter its range, chains of fire will automatically attack them. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 252% damage 3 times on up to 8 enemies, 10 second duration, cooldown of 20 seconds.
- Level 30: 310% damage 3 times on up to 8 enemies, 10 second duration, cooldown of 20 seconds.
Infernalize: The flow of fire is collected in one place, creating a huge flame. Enemies affected by Ignition will take greater damage. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 354% damage 3 times on up to 15 enemies, 61% additional damage to enemies affected by Ignition, cooldown of 60 seconds.
- Level 30: 470% damage 3 times on up to 15 enemies, 90% additional damage to enemies affected by Ignition, cooldown of 60 seconds.
Flame Barrier: A cover of flames will absorb some of the damage you take for a certain period of time, and before it disappears, it explodes and deals damage to nearby enemies. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: Reduce damage taken by 5%, 305% damage on up to 8 enemies, 6 second duration, cooldown of 120 seconds.
- Level 10: Reduce damage taken by 50%, 350% damage on up to 8 enemies, 15 second duration, cooldown of 120 seconds.
Spirit of Flame: Summon the spirit of Flame (you can choose one of two appearances). While summoned, your mana costs will be increased by a certain percentage but attacking Ignition affected enemies will reduce their resistances and you will ignore a certain percentage of their defenses. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 120% mana cost increase, Ignition will reduce enemies’ resistances by 71%, ignore 1% of enemies’ defenses, 300 second duration, cooldown of 600 seconds.
- Level 30: 120% mana cost increase, Ignition will reduce enemies’ resistances by 100%, ignore 30% of enemies’ defenses, 300 second duration, cooldown of 600 seconds.
Burning Region: Summon a magic circle at your current location, increasing your and party member’s damage and attack speed while standing on top of it. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 21% damage, 1 attacking speed, 20 second duration, cooldown of 120 seconds.
- Level 30: 50% damage, 1 attacking speed, 20 second duration, cooldown of 120 seconds.
Element: Flame IV: Element: Flame’s buff is strengthened. (required skill: 10 Element: Flame III) (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 31 magic attack for 8 seconds.
- Level 10: 40 magic attack for 8 seconds.
Unquenchable Flame: Ignition’s damage over time is increased. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 2% damage increase for Ignition’s damage over time.
- Level 30: 60% damage increase for Ignition’s damage over time.
Truth of Magic: Your magic attack, mastery, and minimum critical damage are increased. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 1 magic attack, 51% mastery, 1% minimum critical damage.
- Level 10: 10 magic attack, 60% mastery, 10% minimum critical damage.
Orbital Flame – Reinforce: Orbital Flame’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
Orbital Flame – Ignore Guard: Orbital Flame’s defense ignored is increased by 20%. [required level: 177]
Orbital Flame – Limit Break: Orbital Flame’s number of hits is increased by 1. [required level: 189]
Blazing Extinction – Add Attack: Blazing Extinction’s number of hits is increased by 1. [required level: 189]
Blazing Extinction – Reinforce: Blazing Extinction’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
Blazing Extinction – Duration: Blazing Extinction’s duration is increased by 10 seconds. [required level: 189]
Ignition – Max Ignition: Ignition’s damage over time’s cycle is decreased by 0.5 seconds. [required level: 155]
Ignition – Reinforce: Ignition’s damage over time is increased by 20%. [required level: 183]
Ignition – Max Explosion: Ignition’s explosion damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 155]
Dragon Slave: Attack a single enemy with flames relentlessly. After a certain period of time or when you release the key, unleash a finishing blow. [required level: 170]
- Level 1: 500% damage 3 times on 1 enemy, while the key is held down up to a maximum of 10 seconds. After released, a finishing blow of 500% damage 6 times is used. Cooldown of 90 seconds.
Cataclysm: Summon a giant flame and drop it on enemies to burn everything around you. [required level: 170]
- Level 1: 860% damage 7 times on up to 15 enemies, cooldown of 120 seconds.
Glory of Guardians: The knights who swore to protect Empress Cygnus undergo a sense of honor, increasing their damage and maximum damage. This effect only applies to Knights of Cygnus in the party. [required level: 200]
- Level 1: 10% damage and 5,000,000 maximum damage for 60 seconds. Cooldown of 120 seconds.
Night Walker Skills
Elemental Slash: Strike up to 3 enemies in front of you with a slash of unrefined elemental power dealing 130% damage.
Journey Home: Borrow Shinsoo’s aura to return to the side of the Empress. There is a cooldown of 30 minutes.
Elemental Harmony: Learn the harmony between the elements and increase your affinity for them, increasing your LUK by 1 for every 2 character levels.
Elemental Expert: Your mastery over the elements decreases all your attacking skills’ elemental properties by 100%.
- This skill is unlocked after your fourth job advancement.
Elemental Shift: Jump once again while in the air by pressing the jump key with an arrow key.
Cygnus Blessing: The awakened Empress’ blessing protects you from enemies’ attacks, increasing your resistance to states and elements. If other Cygnus jobs exist within your account, you can stack this Link Skill up to 5 times. If linked, this skill’s effects will be reduced. (Link Skill)
- Level 1: 5% resistance (2% if linked).
- Level 2: 10% resistance (5% if linked).
First Job
Lucky Seven: Throw two stars at an enemy in front of you for luck. This skill’s damage is based on your LUK, regardless of mastery. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 144% damage 2 times.
- Level 20: 220% damage 2 times.
Rapid Evasion: Quickly move backwards. This skill can be used while using skills that throw stars. (required skill: 1 Shadow Jump) (max level: 1)
- Level 1: Move backwards.
Shadow Jump: While in the air, you can jump again. This skill can be used while using skills that throw stars. (max level: 1)
- Level 1: Jump.
Element: Darkness: Summon the Darkness element, giving your attacks the ability to carve the Mark of Darkness onto your enemies. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 20% chance to inflict a Mark, maximum of 2 Marks on an enemy, enemies take 53% damage per second per stack, ignore 1% of an enemy’s defenses per stack, Marks last 5 seconds per stack. Duration of 120 seconds.
- Level 10: 20% chance to inflict a Mark, maximum of 2 Marks on an enemy, enemies take 80% damage per second per stack, ignore 4% of an enemy’s defenses per stack, Marks last 5 seconds per stack. Duration of 300 seconds.
Shadow Bats: Summon your servants from the shadows, Shadow Bats. When attacking, there is a chance they will attack with you. (required skill: 1 Element: Darkness) (max level: 10)
- Level 1: Every 4 skills, summon 1 Shadow Bat for 60 seconds (maximum of 2 at one time). When attacking, there is a 20% chance for a Shadow Bat to attack the target, dealing 106% damage. The Shadow Bat will bounce to one other enemy. Heal 1% of their damage as HP.
- Level 10: Every 4 skills, summon 1 Shadow Bat for 60 seconds (maximum of 2 at one time). When attacking, there is a 20% chance for a Shadow Bat to attack the target, dealing 160% damage. The Shadow Bat will bounce to one other enemy. Heal 5% of their damage as HP.
Haste: Temporarily increase speed and jump for all party members. Increases maximum speed permanently. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 4 speed and 2 jump, 30 second duration. Passively increases max speed by 2, avoid by 6%.
- Level 10: 40 speed and 20 jump, 300 second duration. Passively increases max speed by 20, avoid by 15%.
Dark Sight: Hide in the shadows. With Dark Sight active, you can neither attack nor be attacked. (max level: 3)
- Level 1: -10 speed, 140 second duration.
- Level 3: 10 speed, 200 second duration.
Nimble Body: Using the thief’s training, permanently increase accuracy and avoidability. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 22 accuracy, 22 avoid.
- Level 10: 220 accuracy, 220 avoid.
Second Job
Triple Throw: Throw three consecutive stars. Using the power of darkness, the last attack ‘s damage will be increased. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 164% damage 2 times, 204% damage 1 time.
- Level 20: 240% damage 2 times, 280% damage 1 time.
Darkness Adapting: By accepting more of the power of darkness, your Marks of Darkness are enhanced. (required skill: 10 Element: Darkness) (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 1% increased chance to create a Mark of Darkness, maximum stacks increased by 1, damage per stack increased by 4%, defense ignore per stack increased by 1%.
- Level 10: 5% increased chance to create a Mark of Darkness, maximum stacks increased by 1, damage per stack increased by 40%, defense ignore per stack increased by 1%.
Bat Communion: By deepening your connection, your Shadow Bats are enhanced. (required skill: 10 Shadow Bats) (max level: 10)
- Level 1: Shadow Bats’ chance to attack increased by 1%, maximum summon limit increased by 1, damage increased by 14%, bounce targets increased by 1, HP healing increased by 1%.
- Level 10: Shadow Bats’ chance to attack increased by 5%, maximum summon limit increased by 1, damage increased by 50%, bounce targets increased by 1, HP healing increased by 5%.
Throwing Booster: Increase your attacking speed by 2 stages for a certain period of time. (required skill: 5 Throwing Mastery) (max level: 10)
- Level 1: duration of 120 seconds.
- Level 10: duration of 300 seconds.
Critical Throw: Your ciritcal chance and minimum critical damage are increased. (required skill: 3 Throwing Mastery) (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 5% critical chance, 1% minimum critical damage.
- Level 30: 50% critical chance, 15% minimum critical damage.
Throwing Mastery: Your mastery over the claw and your accuracy are increased. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 14% mastery, 12 accuracy, star limit increased by 20.
- Level 10: 50% mastery, 120 accuracy, star limit increased by 200.
Physical Training: Through physical training, permanently increase your LUK and DEX. (max level: 5)
- Level 1: 6 LUK, 6 DEX.
- Level 5: 30 LUK, 30 DEX.
Third Job
Quadruple Throw: Throw four consecutive stars. Using the power of darkness, the last attack ‘s damage will be increased. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 164% damage 3 times, 204% damage 1 time.
- Level 20: 240% damage 3 times, 280% damage 1 time.
Stardust: Using the power of darkness, throw an enhanced star. At the end of the star’s range, it will explode and deal extra damage to all enemies in range. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: 354% damage on up to 4 enemies, 404% damage on up to 6 enemies after exploding.
- Level 20: 430% damage on up to 4 enemies, 480% damage on up to 6 enemies after exploding.
Shadow Servant: For a certain period of time, summon a shadow which copies your actions after a short delay. (max level: 20)
- Level 1: servant will do 22% of your damage, duration of 110 seconds.
- Level 20: servant will do 60% of your damage, duration of 300 seconds.
Spirit Throwing: Unleashing the spirit of the star, you will be able to throw as many stars as you want without consuming any in your inventory for a short amount of time. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: consume 199 stars, duration of 120 seconds.
- Level 10: consume 100 stars, duration of 300 seconds.
Radical Darkness: Cover yourself with darkness, increasing max HP, status resistance, and elemental resistance permanently. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 2% HP, 3% resistance to statuses and elements.
- Level 10: 20% HP, 30% resistance to statuses and elements.
Adrenaline: Increases the effect of recovery items like potions. Percentage-based recovery items like Elixirs are not affected. In addition, your maximum and minimum critical damage are increased. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: recovery item healing increased by 116%. Passively increases maximum and minimum critical damage by 1%.
- Level 10: recovery item healing increased by 170%. Passively increases maximum and minimum critical damage by 10%.
Darkness Adapting II: By accepting more of the power of darkness, your Marks of Darkness are enhanced. (required skill: 10 Darkness Adapting) (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 1% increased chance to create a Mark of Darkness, maximum stacks increased by 1, damage per stack increased by 5%, defense ignore per stack increased by 1%.
- Level 10: 5% increased chance to create a Mark of Darkness, maximum stacks increased by 1, damage per stack increased by 50%, defense ignore per stack increased by 1%.
Bat Communion II: By deepening your connection, your Shadow Bats are enhanced. (required skill: 10 Bat Communion) (max level: 20)
- Level 1: Shadow Bats’ chance to attack increased by 1%, maximum summon limit increased by 1, damage increased by 12%, bounce targets increased by 1, HP healing increased by 1%.
- Level 20: Shadow Bats’ chance to attack increased by 5%, maximum summon limit increased by 1, damage increased by 50%, bounce targets increased by 1, HP healing increased by 5%.
Darkness Ascension: If your HP reaches 0, instead of dying, you will absorb darkness and be resurrected after a short period of time. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: When you reach 0 HP, heal 5% of your HP over 3 seconds. For each Shadow Bat summoned, heal an additional 5% HP. 2 seconds of invincibility afterwards. Cooldown of 390 seconds.
- Level 10: When you reach 0 HP, heal 50% of your HP over 3 seconds. For each Shadow Bat summoned, heal an additional 10% HP. 2 seconds of invincibility afterwards. Cooldown of 300 seconds.
Fourth Job
Cygnus Knights: Receive the blessing of the awakened Empress, increasing the stats of all party members. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 1% all stats for 30 seconds.
- Level 30: 15% all stats for 900 seconds.
Quintuple Throw: Throw five consecutive stars. Using the power of darkness, the last attack ‘s damage will be increased. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 243% damage 4 times, 304% damage 1 time.
- Level 30: 330% damage 4 times, 420% damage 1 time.
Darkness Omen: A sign of darkness summons a flock of Shadow Bats to attack enemies. The number of Shadow Bats summoned will be in proportion to the number of enemies. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 303% damage on up to 9 enemies every 0.3 seconds for 3 seconds. For each 3 monsters hit, 1 Shadow Bat is summoned. Cooldown of 59 seconds.
- Level 30: 390% damage on up to 9 enemies every 0.3 seconds for 3 seconds. For each 3 monsters hit, 1 Shadow Bat is summoned. Cooldown of 30 seconds.
Shadow Stitch: Bind an enemy’s shadow to the ground, restricting their movements for a short period of time. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: While the skill key is held down (up to a maximum of 15 seconds), gain 100% stance and deal 445% damage on up to 15 enemies, binding them for 11 seconds. For each enemy hit, the cooldown is reduced by 1 second. Cooldown of 172 seconds.
- Level 10: While the skill key is held down (up to a maximum of 15 seconds), gain 100% stance and deal 850% damage on up to 15 enemies, binding them for 20 seconds. For each enemy hit, the cooldown is reduced by 1 second. Cooldown of 100 seconds.
Darkness Blessing: The blessings of darkness increase your stats. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 1 attack, 1% defense ignore.
- Level 30: 30 attack, 30% defense ignore.
Darkness Adapting III: By accepting more of the power of darkness, your Marks of Darkness are enhanced. (required skill: 10 Darkness Adapting II) (max level: 10)
- Level 1: 1% increased chance to create a Mark of Darkness, maximum stacks increased by 1, damage per stack increased by 5%, defense ignore per stack increased by 1%.
- Level 10: 5% increased chance to create a Mark of Darkness, maximum stacks increased by 1, damage per stack increased by 50%, defense ignore per stack increased by 1%.
Bat Communion III: By deepening your connection, your Shadow Bats are enhanced. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: Shadow Bats’ chance to attack increased by 1%, maximum summon limit increased by 1, damage increased by 14%, bounce targets increased by 1, HP healing increased by 1%.
- Level 30: Shadow Bats’ chance to attack increased by 10%, maximum summon limit increased by 1, damage increased by 130%, bounce targets increased by 1, HP healing increased by 5%.
Throwing Expert: Permanently increase your mastery over claws, attack, and maximum critical damage. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 56% mastery, 1 attack, 1% maximum critical damage.
- Level 30: 70% mastery, 30 attack, 15% maximum critical damage.
Siphon Vitality: Absorb health from enemies who have a Mark of Darkness. (max level: 10)
- Level 1: Absorb 220 HP per second for up to 5 seconds for each Mark of Darkness on an enemy, up to a maximum of 5.
- Level 10: Absorb 400 HP per second for up to 5 seconds for each Mark of Darkness on an enemy, up to a maximum of 10.
Shadow Assimilation: There is a chance to assimilate into the shadows and avoid enemy attacks and decrease damage taken. (max level: 30)
- Level 1: 11% chance to avoid attacks, 1% damage absorbed.
- Level 30: 40% chance to avoid attacks, 15% damage absorbed.
Quintuple Throw – Reinforce: Quintuple Throw’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 143]
Quintuple Throw – Boss Killer: Quintuple Throw’s damage to bosses is increased by 20%. [required level: 162]
Quintuple Throw – Bonus Attack: Quintuple Throw’s number of ‘last hits’ is increased by 1. [required level: 183]
Darkness Omen – Reinforce: Darkness Omen’s damage is increased by 20%. [required level: 149]
Darkness Omen – Extra Target: Darkness Omen’s number of monsters hit is increased by 6. [required level: 168]
Darkness Omen – Cooltime Reduce: Darkness Omen’s cooldown is decreased by 50%. [required level: 189]
Siphon Vitality – Extra Point: Siphon Vitality’s healing per stack is increased by 300 HP. [required level: ]
Siphon Vitality – Iron Skin: Siphon Vitality’s defense per stack is increased by 100. [required level: ]
Siphon Vitality – Imbue Body: Siphon Vitality’s resistance to statuses and elements per stack is increased by 2%. [required level: ]
Shadow Illusion: For a short period of time, summon 3 shadows which copy your actions after a short delay. Their attacks do not activate Damage Reflect but can activate Marks of Darkness or Shadow Bats. [required level: 150]
- Level 1: Shadows will do 60%, 40%, and 20% of your damage respectively. Duration of 30 seconds, cooldown of 300 seconds.
Dominion: Maximize the power of darkness, creating a supernatural area. [required level: 170]
- Level 1: 720% damage 10 times on up to 15 enemies. You will become invincible while attacking. Your attacks for the next 30 seconds will instantly create the max number of Mark of Darkness stacks, and Shadow Bats will be summoned. Cooldown of 300 seconds.
Glory of Guardians: The knights who swore to protect Empress Cygnus undergo a sense of honor, increasing their damage and maximum damage. This effect only applies to Knights of Cygnus in the party. [required level: 200]
- Level 1: 10% damage and 5,000,000 maximum damage for 60 seconds. Cooldown of 120 seconds.