The first patch of the Summer update, Coordinator’s Helping Hand: Star Force has been released! This patch features an updated enhancement system, skill changes for 21 jobs, and new equipment!
Here’s the world selection screen, the cat is the aforementioned Coordinator, haha.
The enhancement system has been reorganized! It still has similarities to the previous system though, you still need to use up all upgrade slots on an item before you can enhance it and there is a maximum number of stars.
However, you no longer use Enhancement Scrolls, you now enhance items with the Equipment Enchant UI (which is also used for scrolling with Spell Traces). Note: you can still use pre-existing Enhancement Scrolls but they will not be applicable to any of the new changes (i.e. their success rates have been unchanged and if they fail, they will destroy your item).
Welcome to the new Star Force enhancement system! It was designed to give more accessibility to enhancements, reduce the reliance on Cash items when enhancing, and give everyone an opportunity to reach higher stars.
First of all, you’ll notice you can see both the success rate and failure rate, along with the stats it will give. This gives a lot more clarity to the system and allows you to assess the risks of going for one more star. In addition, enhancing now costs mesos, the cost of which you can see on the bottom.
There are now four possible results when enhancing. You can pass it and gain one star on your item, fail and the number of stars will not change, fail and the stars will downgrade by 1, or fail and your item will be destroyed.
The maximum number of stars on an item have been raised from 15 to 25! However, this only applies to some items as the limit on stars is now based off of the item’s level. You can see any item’s maximum number of stars by looking at the tooltip, either the stars on the top or the note on the bottom.
Superior equipment will have lower maximum stars.
- Lv. 95 or lower: 5 stars (Superior equipment: 3)
- Lv. 95 ~ 109: 8 stars (Superior equipment: 5)
- Lv. 110 ~ 119: 10 stars (Superior equipment: 8)
- Lv. 120 ~ 129: 15 stars (Superior equipment: 10)
- Lv. 130 ~ 139: 20 stars (Superior equipment: 12)
- Lv. 140 ~ 149: 25 stars (Superior equipment: 15)
- Lv. 150 or higher: 25 stars (Superior equipment: 15)
Note: if you are using the old Enhancement Scrolls, you cannot go past 15 stars (if possible), you must use the Star Force system. Also, if your item has been scrolled with Miraculous Enhancement Scrolls, the stars will be blue. Items with blue stars are ineligible for the Star Force system and cannot go past 15 stars.
Also, to make enhancements better for everyone, there is no longer a destruction rate until the 13th star! From 1-12 stars, the only risk is that you will downgrade by 1 star if you fail an enhancement. Even after the 13th star, the destruction rate is fairly low, until you reach the 20th star or higher. But don’t worry if your item gets destroyed, as Equipment Traces will be your saviour! I’ll talk about that a little bit later.
There is also a downgrade protection system at 10, 15, and 20 stars. When you reach these stars, there is no chance of going below them any more, if you fail an enhancement at those thresholds the item’s stars will remain unchanged.
In addition, if you fail two enhancements in a row, you’ll get a Chance Time in which your next enhancement will have a 100% success rate no matter what star it is.
When you do decide to enhance your item and press the Enhance button, a minigame will begin! Stop the star inside the red band to raise the success rate of your enhancement!
Fallen stars have landed in Minar Forest, Clocktower, and Deep Mine, changing the monsters there into stronger versions of themselves!
New quests have also been added to these areas, involving these fallen stars.
Maps affected by fallen stars can be identified by the red portals which lead to them. When you enter a fallen star map, you’ll receive a notice saying how much Star Force is required in that area.
Monsters in these maps are much stronger but give better experience and rewards! However, only Maplers with the required Star Force will be able to hunt efficiently! The fallen stars have given the monsters a shield that protects them from damage from users with low Star Force.
This map for example requires 65 Star Force. If you have 0 Star Force, your damage will be terrible, if you have 37 Star Force, it will be about half. If you have 65 Star Force or more, you will do your regular damage.
But what is Star Force you might ask? Star Force is the combined total number of stars on all the equipment you are currently wearing. Enhance your items to gain Star Fore and challenge the monsters in fallen star areas!
Note: enhancements on overalls count as 2x their Star Force to make up for top/bottom combinations.
While you are enhancing, if you fail and your item is destroyed, don’t worry, Equipment Traces are here to help! Now, when an item is destroyed through enhancing, you’ll receive Traces of the equipment that was destroyed. These Traces will carry the item’s scrolled stats, additional options, potential (including additional potential), and the Soul information.
By using the Equipment Inheritance system in the Equipment Enchant window, you can use these Traces on an item of the same name to have it inherit the stats of your previous equipment! It is always successful and the new item’s information will be overwritten by the old item.
Skill Balancing
21 jobs in total have had adjustments to their skills in order to create better balancing.
Hero’s hunting ability is not very good. This is because they have no way of moving fast across a map. Although we could just increase their damage or skill range, we want to stay true to the Hero’s character concept. Therefore, Combo Force’s cost was removed, Self Recovery was improved and Rage Uprising’s cooldown was reduced to be more helping in hunting.
Combo Force: Combo cost has been removed
Self Recovery: HP recovered has been increased from 1000 HP to 1500 HP
Rage Uprising: cooldown has been decreased from 30 seconds to 10 seconds
Paladins have high survivability but high damage at the same time. Our concept of the Paladin was to be able to tank a lot of damage, but they are too strong at the moment.
Void Elemental: elemental ignore has been removed, this skill has been renamed Elemental Force
Advanced Charge: number of hits boost to Blast has been decreased from 2 to 1
Dark Knight
Dark Knights with 50% or higher buff duration boosts could always use Gungnir Descent without a cooldown. Our concept for it was to be a strong damaging skill which is not always available to use. In addition, Cross Over Chains gave way too much damage.
Beholder: cooldown has been increased from 60 seconds to 70 seconds
Cross Over Chains: total damage boost has been decreased from 100% to 80%
Sacrifice: duration has been decreased from 40 seconds to 30 seconds
Archmage (I/L)
Archmages’ ability to hunt and boss are both very bad. Therefore we have increased the damage of Chain Lightning, and have given them more damage passively.
Freezing Effect: in addition to existing effects, when attacking Frozen enemies with lightning attacks, your damage will be increased by 8% per stack
Chain Lightning: damage has been increased from 273% to 300%
Bowmasters’ damage is low due to a lack of attack from their buffs and passives. In addition, we received a lot of complaints that Arrow Blaster was difficult to use compared to the 4th job Hurricane skill. Therefore we increased their attack and moved Arrow Platter and Hurricane around.
Extreme Archery: Bow: attack boost has been increased from 20 to 40, in addition to existing effects, this skill now gives 40% damage
Illusion Step: DEX boost has been increased from 40 to 80
Hurricane: moved from 3rd job to 4th job, damage has been adjusted to 300%, an error where Final Attack sometimes did not activate has been fixed
Arrow Blaster: moved from 4th job to 3rd job, damage has been adjusted to 181%, installed turret’s damage has been decreased from 153% to 125%, attack speed has been changed from 80ms to 120ms, an error where Final Attack sometimes did not activate has been fixed
Arrow Blaster – Reinforce: changed to
Hurricane – Reinforce: Hurricane’s damage is increased by 20%. [req. level: 155]
Arrow Blaster – Boss Killer: changed to
Hurricane – Boss Killer: Hurricane’s boss damage is increased by 10%. [req. level: 177]
Arrow Platter – Extra Target: changed to
Hurricane – Split Attack: Hurricane’s damage is reduced to 65% but its number of hits is increased by 1. [req. level: 195]
Shadowers need to collect 5 Killing Points in order to strengthen their skills, but otherwise their damage is low. To solve this, Killing Points now have a maximum of 3 and some skills’ delays have been adjusted. In addition, Assassinate’s high percent damage hits the cap a lot so we increased its limit. Also, Asassinate’s effect was changed due to comments given to us.
Muspelheim: skill delay has been decreased from 1200ms to 1020ms
Shadow Partner: skill casting effect has been changed
Assassinate: skill casting animation has been changed, delay has been decreased
Shadower Instinct: maximum Killing Points has been decreased from 5 to 3, extra attack per KP has been increased from 6 to 10
Assassinate – Limit Canceller: maximum damage cap has been increased from 60,000,000 to 70,000,000
Captain’s Fusillade’s delay is too long and lacks the ability to hunt high defense enemies. In addition, Rapid Fire’s damage and Captain’s bossing ability are low. We adjusted the delay of Fusillade and increased their maximum HP. We wanted to increase the damage of Rapid Fire but there was a fear of Phantom becoming too strong so we increased Captain Dignity’s damage instead.
It makes sense that each skill should have a different role, but for Captains, both Rapid Shot and Head Shot are 1:1 skills. In order for both skills to have their own roles, we have deleted the Head Shot – Cooltime Reduce skill and replaced it with a Boss Killer upgrade. We have also adjusted Quick Draw.
Now, Captain has powerful hunting patterns in which they can use Rapid Shot and every now and then, Quick Draw into Head Shot for more damage.
Fusillade: skill delay has been decreased from 1410ms to 1110ms
Crew Commandership: in addition to existing effects, this skill now gives 5000 HP passively
Captain Dignity: damage has been increased from 100% to 250%
Head Shot: damage has been decreased from 800% to 500%, number of hits has been increased from 4 to 8
Quick Draw: damage boost has been increased from 30% to 50%
Rapid Fire – Add Range: range boost has been increased from 50 to 100
NEW! Head Shot – Boss Killer: Head Shot’s damage to bosses is increased by 20%.
REMOVED! Head Shot – Cooltime Reduce
Evan has enough damage compared to other magician characters, but they lack the ability to move quickly with Teleport, making their hunting less efficient. Therefore we increased the distance of Teleport.
Teleport: distance moved has been increased from 150 to 255
Mercedes is not very efficient at hunting, and we wanted to return to her stylish elf archer concept with skills like Ring of Ishtar and Legendary Spear. Therefore, to create more stylish play patterns, we gave them the ability to link together skills and gave more damage when linking them. In addition, we increased Leap Tornado’s damage. People complained that each of the debuffs durations were too short so we lengthened them, but Legendary Spear without a cooldown was too strong so we added one back.
Strike Dualshot: can now be linked with Charge Drive, Unicorn Spike, Legendary Spear, and Lightning Edge
Leap Tornado: damage has been increased from 195% to 215%, can now be linked with Gust Dive and Legendary Spear
Unicorn Spike: debuff duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds, can now be linked with Charge Drive, Strike Dualshot, Legendary Spear, and Lightning Edge
Gust Dive: can now be linked with Charge Drive, Strike Dualshot, Leap Tornado, Unicorn Spike, Legendary Spear, and Lightning Edge
Highkick Demolition: can now be linked with Leap Tornado, Gust Dive, Legendary Spear, and Rolling Moonsault
Ignis Roar: in addition to existing effects, this skill now gives you 3 attack every time you link a skill (stacks up to 10 times) for 10 seconds
Legendary Spear: damage boost to Leap Tornado has been increased from 30% to 60%, debuff duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds, cooldown of 5 seconds has been added, can now be linked with Leap Tornado and Gust Dive, in addition to existing effects linking skills will reduce Legendary Spear’s cooldown by 1 second for each skill used
Lightning Edge: debuff duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds, can now be linked with Charge Drive, Strike Dualshot, Unicorn Spike, and Legendary Spear
Rolling Moonsault: can now be linked with Leap Tornado, Gust Dive, and Legendary Spear
EunWol’s movement speed is low and linking skills together is clunky. Therefore we have added some speed and changed the skills to automatically do all of their hits with one skill press. However, this might be inconvenient at times so you can now move or jump to cancel the skill while its being used.
Spirit Bond 2: in addition to existing effects, now gives 20 speed
Mega Punch: now automatically hits twice with one key press
Island Strike: now automatically hits twice with one key press
Ground Strike: now automatically hits twice with one key press
Shockwave Punch: now automatically hits three times with one key press
Bomb Punch: now automatically hits four times with one key press
Flame Wizard
Flame Wizard’s Orbital Flame’s damage added up very fast and was too powerful. In addition, Blazing Extinction’s attack range was high enough that you could use the skill to hunt by itself. Therefore we have decreased Orbital Flame’s number of hits and movement speed, as well as decreasing Blazing Extinction’s range.
Orbital Flame: number of hits has been decreased from 2 to 1, speed has been decreased
Orbital Flame II: number of hits has been decreased from 2 to 1, speed has been decreased
Orbital Flame III: number of hits has been decreased from 3 to 2, speed has been decreased
Orbital Flame IV: number of hits has been decreased from 3 to 2, speed has been decreased
Blazing Extinction: attack range has been decreased
Wind Breaker
Wind Breakers were too powerful. Therefore we reduced some of their damage.
Fairy Turn: damage has been decreased from 195% to 175%
Gust Shot: damage has been decreased from 285% to 260%
Sky’s Song: damage has been decreased from 370% to 345%
Trifling Whim III: damage has been decreased from 280% to 260%
Night Walker
Our concept for Night Walker was to have strong bossing capabilities while giving up the ability to hunt well, but it was too good at both. Therefore, we lowered the number of bounces of Shadow Bats and also decreased Quintuple Throw’s boss damage. We also received complaints about Siphon Vitality’s duration so we increased it.
Bat Communion: number of bounces has been decreased from 2 to 1
Bat Communion III: number of bounces has been decreased from 2 to 1
Siphon Vitality: duration has been increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds
Quintuple Throw – Boss Killer: boss damage has been decreased from 20% to 10%
Demon Slayer
In a previous balance patch, we added a slow effect to Demon Impact but it didn’t apply to Evil Torture and it wasn’t useful so we corrected that. There was an error where Force was not being automatically recovered, making hunting a bit more difficult. We fixed the error so you can have a seamless battle experience.
Evil Torture: Demon Impact’s slow effect now activates this skill
Max Force: an error where Force was not being automatically recovered has been fixed
Battle Mage’s skill damage were low and their buff skills had long delays. Therefore we added a new skill which gives them invincibility if revived and increased their skill damage. Also, we changed some skills’ buff durations to unify them.
NEW! Spirit of Freedom: The Resistance’s strength and desire for freedom gives 5 seconds of invincibility if revived. (Beginner skill)
Quad Blow: damage has been increased from 155% to 165%
Hyper Dark Chain: skill delay has been decreased from 1050ms to 880ms
Blood Drain: duration has been increased from 120 seconds to 200 seconds
Death Blow: damage has been increased from 165% to 180%
Dark Lightning: skill delay has been decreased from 1320ms to 720ms
Super Body: buff duration has been increased from 150 seconds to 200 seconds
Finish Blow: damage has been increased from 240% to 280%
Cyclone: damage has been increased from 360% to 480%, cooldown has been decreased from 12 seconds to 5 seconds
Dark Genesis: skill delay has been decreased from 3240ms to 900ms
Big Crunch Aura: buff duration has been increased from 150 seconds to 200 seconds
Wild Hunter
Wild Hunter’s mount acts as a penalty due to its buffs and long skill delays. Therefore, we added a new skill which gives them invincibility if revived and enhanced its buffs. We also unified buff durations and we added some passive HP to Beast Form. Finally, Rampage as One’s cooldown was reduced to be more useful while hunting.
NEW! Spirit of Freedom: The Resistance’s strength and desire for freedom gives 5 seconds of invincibility if revived. (Beginner skill)
Soul Arrow: Crossbow: attack boost has been increased from 30 to 40
Howling: duration has been increased from 240 seconds to 300 seconds
Cross Road: skill delay has been decreased from 1320ms to 930ms
Beast Form: duration has been increased from 150 seconds to 300 seconds, attack boost has been increased from 30% to 40%, HP boost has been decreased from 80% to 15%, in addition to existing effects this skill now gives 80% HP passively
Wild Vulcan: skill delay has been decreased, range has been increased
Assistant Hunting Unit: skill delay has been decreased
Extend Magazine: duration has been increased from 130 seconds to 300 seconds, damage has been increased from 10% to 20%, all stats boost has been increased from 20 to 40
Rampage As One: cooldown has been decreased from 60 seconds to 15 seconds
Mechanic’s mount acts as a penalty due to its set up time, including its transformations for various skills. Therefore, we added a skill which gives them invincibility if revived, adjusted the delay of many skills, and increased the damage of Heavy Machine-gun so that its worth taking the penalty it has.
NEW! Spirit of Freedom: The Resistance’s strength and desire for freedom gives 5 seconds of invincibility if revived. (Beginner skill)
Metal Armor: Prototype: skill delay has been decreased
Atomic Hammer: skill delay has been decreased
Rocket Booster: skill delay has been decreased
Open Gate: GX-9: skill delay has been decreased
Mechanic Booster: skill delay has been decreased from 1400ms to 840ms
Magnetic Field: skill delay has been decreased from 1260ms to 630ms
Metal Armor: Heavy Machine-gun: skill delay has been decreased from 540ms to 270ms, damage has been increased from 240% to 300%
Accelerator: EX-7: skill delay has been decreased from 1260ms to 630ms
Healing Robot: H-LX: skill delay has been decreased from 1260ms to 630ms
Metal Armor: Missile Tank: Heavy Machine-gun’s damage has been increased from 30% to 40%, MP consumption has been decreased from 25 to 10, skill delay has been decreased from 840ms to 420ms
Robo Factory: RM1: skill delay has been decreased from 1260ms to 630ms
Amplifier: AF-11: skill delay has been decreased from 1260ms to 630ms
Laser Blast: skill delay has been decreased from 1110ms to 900ms
Xenon’s 3rd job hunting ability is low so we increased some skills’ damage.
Combat Switching: Explosion: damage has been increased from 200% to 220%
Combat Switching: Shoot Down: damage has been increased from 250% to 270%
Combat Switching: Split: damage has been increased from 251% to 271%
There was no reason for Soul Rage to have a cooldown since it switches between being able to attack multiple mobs and 1 monster.
Soul Rage: now an On/Off skill
We thought it was awkward that after you use Final Figuration, you can only use a certain number of skills. Therefore you can now use all active attack skills in Final Figuration. We also increased the damage of some skills to increase hunting efficiency in 2nd and 3rd job.
Flame Shot: can now be used in Final Figuration
Impact Wave: damage has been increased from 250% to 270%, can now be used in Final Figuration
Chain Pulling: damage has been increased from 250% to 280%, can now be used in Final Figuration
Petrified: can now be used in Final Figuration
Wingbeat: can now be used in Final Figuration
Sword Strike: can now be used in Final Figuration
Infernal Breath: can now be used in Final Figuration
Angelic Burster
Angelic Burster has very high damage skills but their damage cap was low so we added an increased cap. We also created a new skill to increase the number of hits that Angelic Burster can do.
Affinity IV: in addition to existing effects, this skill now increases your maximum damage cap by 20,000,000
NEW! Soul Seeker Expert: When using active skills (except for Soul Seeker), your attacks will have a chance to automatically trigger Soul Seeker. (required skill: level 20 Soul Seeker) (max level: 10)
- Level 10: 35% chance to summon a Soul Seeker which does 70% of Soul Seeker’s damage
SP acquisition for 4th job has been reorganized! Now, you will get all of your SP for 4th job by the time you reach level 140 (255 SP). Now, every level up with a level ending in 0, 3, 6, or 9, you’ll get twice the regular SP. Also, every 10 levels, starting at level 111/121/131, you’ll get 1 extra base SP.
After level 140 you will no longer gain 4th job SP. These SP changes do not affect Zero or Evan. Many skills have had their master levels adjusted in order to make up for these SP changes.
- Dual Blade
Thorns Effect: master level decreased from 30 to 20
- Cannon Master
Magnetic Anchor: master level increased from 15 to 20
- Soul Master
Solunar Time: master level increased from 20 to 30
Unforeseeable: master level increased from 10 to 15
- Flame Wizard
Flame Barrier: master level increased from 10 to 20
Truth of Magic: master level increased from 10 to 15
- Wind Breaker
Trifling Whim III: master level increased from 20 to 30
Emerald Dust: master level increased from 10 to 15
- Night Walker
Shadow Stitch: master level increased from 10 to 20
Siphon Vitality: master level increased from 10 to 15
- Striker
Wind Booster: master level increased from 20 to 30
Stimulate: master level increased from 10 to 15
- Mercedes
Advanced Strike Dualshot: master level increased from 1 to 10
- Phantom
Twilight: master level increased from 20 to 30
- EunWol
Weakness Insight: master level increased from 20 to 30
- Luminous
Dark Light Mastery: master level increased from 5 to 10
- Demon Slayer
Vampiric Touch: master level decreased from 10 to 9
Devil Cry: master level increased from 20 to 30
- Demon Avenger
Enhanced Exceed: master level decreased from 20 to 15
Bloody Imprison: max level has been increased from 20 to 30
- Wild Hunter
Extend Magazine: master level increased from 20 to 30
- Mechanic
Amplifier: AF-11: max level has been increased from 20 to 30
- Xenon
Pinpoint Rocket: master level has been increased from 4 to 10
Multilateral VI: a skill point is now automatically added to this skill when you hit level 200
- Mikhail
Combat Mastery: master level has been increased from 10 to 15
- Kaiser
Defense Mode 3rd Enhancement: master level increased from 1 to 2
Attack Mode 3rd Enhancement: master level increased from 1 to 2
Dragon Slash 3rd Enhancement: master level increased from 2 to 6
New level up animations have been added for levels where you get 2x the SP and when you unlock a new Hyper Skill!
The skill window has also been updated! Now when you put SP into a skill, a new UI will pop up that allows you to put more than one SP at a time~
The price of Mastery Books have been decreased, 3 million mesos for Mastery Book 20 and 5 million mesos for Mastery Book 30.
In order to make bosses such as Magnus, Hilla, and Van Leon more accessible to lower levels, Easy Magnus and Easy Van Leon have had their difficulty lowered. In addition, a new Easy Mode Horntail has been added for users level 130 and higher.
At the Cave of Life, Keroben has fled, meaning you no longer need a Transformation Elixir! Moira is now waiting at the Cave of Life entrance to help those with Honorary Marks of the Expedition Leader fight Horntail. The Maze Room has disappeared, and now with the Mark, anyone can challenge Horntail alone.
The Evolving System has been updated! Each Link’s missions have been adjusted to be more exciting, the maps have been changed, monsters have had their stats changed, and the entrance room now gives access to all other Links.
The limit has been changed from 5 times in one day (20 minutes each) to 3 times in one day (15 minutes each). You can now revive inside Evolving System and when you loot an Evolving Coin, all party members will receive one as well.
Machine C-2‘s shop has been adjusted. He no longer sells ES Armor scrolls, or Enhancement scrolls. He now sells Mastery Book 30 and 100 Scroll Traces. Some cores have been added and deleted, and some core prices have been changed.
New story quests involving Orca returning to the Evolving System to try and talk to Suu have been added.
The Maple Tutorial system has been improved! It now gives detailed information about the places it recommends, such as which rewards you can get if you train there.
It is now also split into Normal (advancement quests, recommended quests, special content like Evolving System, party quests, hunting areas, and theme dungeons) and Hard (bosses, fallen star areas).
Elite Monsters have been adjusted, now the skills they have are based on their level and the level of monsters around them. In addition, for bonus stages, now whichever player hits a Mimic to drop its prizes is the only one that can pick up those prizes, you can now only get 3 special items per bonus stage, and the 50% Innocent Scroll has been added as a possible prize.
Set effects have been added for the level 110 Dragon set. It gives 110 defense, magic defense, accuracy and avoid for 2 pieces, 6% HP and MP for 3 pieces, and 6 attack/magic attack and 6 stat for 4 pieces.
NOTE: For the new equipment below, I will not be stating specific items’ stats. You can check Southperry for that.
New level 110 weapons called Zakum’s Poisonic weapons have been added, dropped by Zakum of course.
A new level 120 set called the Ecletic armor has been added. They drop from monsters level 115~129 and consist of four parts: a hat, overall, gloves, and shoes.
The set effect gives 120 defense, magic defense, accuracy and avoid for 2 pieces, 7% HP and MP for 3 pieces, and 7 attack/magic attack and 7 stat for 4 pieces.
New level 120 weapons called Buhizel weapons will now drop from monsters level 115~129. You might notice the Ecletic armor and Buhizel weapons look just like the Reverse/Timeless set, this is because Reverse, Timeless, Loveless and Abyss equipment and recipes and the Chaos Pink Bean Mark will no longer drop.
A new level 120 set called the Necro armor will now drop from Hilla. It consists of five parts: a hat, overall, gloves, and shoes as well as the pre-existing weapon. This set actually looks really cool!
The set gives 3 all stats, 200 defense and magic defense for 2 pieces, 5 speed and 5% boss damage for 3 pieces, 100 defense and magic defense, 50 accuracy and avoid, 5 all stats for 4 pieces, and 10 attack and magic attack and 10% boss damage for 5 pieces.
New level 130 Royal Van Leon equipment (including armor and weapons) is now sold! It consists of six parts: hat, overall, gloves, shoes, and cape plus the weapon.
The set gives 150 defense, magic defense, accuracy, avoid, 6 all stats and 10% boss damage for 4 pieces, 225 defense, magic defense, 10 speed, 15 jump, 10 attack/magic attack and 9 all stats for 5 pieces, and 300 defense, magic defense, 15 all stats, 10 stat, 15% HP and MP, 20 attack/magic attack, 10% boss damage and 5% chance to inflict level 2 Freeze for 6 pieces.
Note: the image above has them reversed fors ome reason. The dark blue are the level 140 equips and the pink are the level 130 equips.
New level 130 weapons called Jaihinn weapons will now drop from monsters level 125~139. A new level 130 set called the Muspel armor has been added. They drop from monsters level 125~139 and consist of five parts: a hat, overall, gloves, and shoes along with the Jaihinn weapons. Not sure I like the whole pink thing haha.
The set gives 130 defense, magic defense, accuracy and avoid for 2 pieces, 8% HP and MP for 3 pieces, 8 attack/magic attack and 8 stat for 4 pieces, and 220 defense and magic defense, 10 all stats, and 10% defense ignore for 5 pieces.
New level 140 weapons called Utgard weapons will now drop from monsters level 135 and higher. A new level 140 set called the Fensalir armor has been added. They drop from monsters level 135 and higher, and consist of six parts: a hat, overall, gloves, shoes, and cape along with the Utgard weapons. This set looks great!
The set gives 140 defense and magic defense, accuracy and avoid for 2 pieces, 9% HP and MP for 3 pieces, 9 attack/magic attack and 9 stat for 4 pieces, 250 defense and magic defense, 15 all stats, and 10% defense ignore for 5 pieces, and 10 attack/magic attack and 10% defense ignore for 6 pieces.
New accessories have been added which drop from different bosses! Zakum drops the eye and face accessories, Magnus drops the badge and shoulderpads, Horntail drops the earrings and ring, and Pink Bean drops the belt and pocket item. I believe all modes of these bosses drop them (Easy Horntail and Magnus do so it should be the same for all of them).
Aquatic Letter Eye Accessory: 6 all stats, 1 attack and magic attack, 100 defense and magic defense (lv. 100, 3 slots, tradeable until equipped)
Condensed Power Face Accessory: 5 all stats, 5 attack and magic attack, 100 defense and magic defense (lv. 110, 5 slots, tradeable until equipped)
Crystal Ventus Badge: 10 all stats, 5 attack and magic attack, 50 accuracy and avoid, 10 speed and jump (lv. 130, tradeable until equipped)
Royal Black Metal Shoulders: 10 all stats, 6 attack and magic attack, 100 defense and magic defense (lv. 120, 1 slot, tradeable until equipped)
Dea Sidus Earrings: 5 all stats, 2 attack and magic attack, 50 defense and magic defense (lv. 130, 6 slots, tradeable until equipped)
Silver Blossom Ring: 5 all stats, 2 attack and magic attack (lv. 110, 2 slots, tradeable until equipped)
Golden Clover Belt: 15 all stats, 1 attack and magic attack, 150 HP and MP, 150 defense and magic defense (lv. 140, 3 slots, tradeable until equipped)
Pink Light Grail: 5 all stats, 5 attack and magic attack, 50 HP and MP (lv. 140 pocket item, tradeable until equipped)
Black Bean Mark : 7 all stats, 1 attack and magic attack, 30 accuracy and avoid, 120 defense and magic defense (lv. 135 eye accessory, 5 slots, untradeable)
A new set called the Boss Accessory set has been added, consisting of the new boss accessories above and some pre-existing ones (Horntail Pendant, Chaos Horntail Pendant, Machinator Pendant, Dominator Pendant, Infernal Flame earrings and the Stone of Life.
The set gives 10 all stats, 5 attack/magic attack, 60 defense/magic defense, and 5% HP/MP for 3 pieces, 10 all stats, 5 attack/magic attack, 60 defense/magic defense, and 5% HP/MP for 5 pieces, 10 all stats, 10 attack/magic attack, 80 defense/magic defense, and 10% defense ignore for 7 pieces, and 15 all stats, 10 attack/magic attack, 100 defense/magic defense, and 10% boss damage for 9 pieces.
In accordance with the new Royal Van Leon set, Mutt’s shop in Lion King’s Castle no longer sells the old equipment or recipes. Lion King’s Noble Medals have been removed, leaving only the Lion King’s Royal Medals. Users with Noble Medals will be compensated with 1 Royal Medal for every 2 Noble Medals.
Also, you now only need 50 Purification Totems to get a Royal Medal. The drop rate of Purification Totems and the Suspicious Black Substances has been raised.
Based on suggestions from users, a few changes have been made. First of all, the blacklist has been updated so that users on your list cannot send you a message, /find or whisper you. In addition, when logging on privately (appearing offline), other users will not be able to /find you and you will appear offline in the Guild and Guild Alliance window as well.
Now let’s move on to events. The first is the Summer Limited Attendance Check, which runs from now until August 13. Each day you have to defeat 300 monsters around your level to be counted. You’ll get prizes for each day that you participate!
- 1 day: 10 Power Elixirs
- 2 days: 30 Scroll Traces
- 3 days: 4 Etc. Slot Expansion Coupon
- 4 days: 10 Summer Limit Coins
- 5 days: 4 Use Slot Expansion Coupon
- 6 days: 50 Scroll Traces
- 7 days: 50% Golden Hammer (expires in 7 days)
- 8 days: 20 Summer Limit Coins
- 9 days: Special Medal of Honor (gives 10,000 Honor)
- 10 days: 50% Epic Potential Scroll (expires in 7 days)
- 11 days: 100 Scroll Traces
- 12 days: 50% Innocent Scroll (expires in 7 days)
- 13 days: 30 Summer Limit Coins
- 14 days: Eternal Flame of Reincarnation (expires in 7 days)
The Ice Box event has returned again, and will run until August 13. Hunt monsters around your level for Ice Boxes, which you can then open for various prizes! Each box you open will give you a random amount of Scroll Traces and:
- Transformation potions
- Strawberry Ice Bar (expires in 1 day)
- Chocolate Ice Bar (expires in 1 day)
- Melon Ice Bar (expires in 1 day)
- Carrot Ice Bar (expires in 1 day)
- Potions
- Summer Limit Coin
The Summer Limited Coin Shop is now open and will stay until August 20! Spend your Summer Limited Coins at the shop, set up by Windy, who can be found in any major town.
- Excited Manwha Chair (150 coins)
- Very Good Manwha Chair (150 coins)
- Magazine Cover Model Message Chair (150 coins)
- Hero of the News Message Chair (150 coins)
- Arkarium’s Storytime Chair (150 coins)
- Magic of Pink Bean (150 coins)
- Zakum’s Lord Chair (150 coins)
- It’s Me Chair (150 coins)
- Baseball with Orca (150 coins)
- Tropical Vacation Message Chair (100 coins)
- Summer Limit Chair Box (20 coins)
- Free Advancement Coin (100 coins) [limit of 2]
- 12 Slot Herb Bag (50 coins) [limit of 1]
- 12 Slot Ore Bag (50 coins) [limit of 1]
- Pink Coin Purse (50 coins) [limit of 1]
- 8 Slot Chair Bag (50 coins) [limit of 1]
- 60% Innocent Scroll (80 coins) [limit of 1]
- 10% Clean Slate Scroll (45 coins) [limit of 3]
- Special Additional Potential Stamp (65 coins) [limit of 3]
- Gold Potential Stamp (45 coins) [limit of 3]
- 100% Golden Hammer (45 coins) [limit of 1]
- 50% Epic Potential Scroll (45 coins) [limit of 3]
- 50% Positive Chaos Scroll (20 coins) [limit of 5]
- Miraculous Positive Chaos Scroll (35 coins) [limit of 3]
- Enhanced Flame of Reincarnation (45 coins) [limit of 3]
- Eternal Flame of Reincarnation (55 coins) [limit of 1]
- Damage Skin Storage Scroll (70 coins) [expires in 30 days, limit of 1]
- Base Damage Skin (10 coins)
- Sweet Tradition Damage Skin (150 coins) [account tradeable]
- Impactive Damage Skin (150 coins) [account tradeable]
- Snow Blossom Damage Skin (150 coins) [account tradeable]
- Monotone Damage Skin (120 coins) [account tradeable]
Also, to celebrate the summer, there will be 2x experience on July 26, August 2, and August 9 from 1pm to 4pm!
In addition, on those dates, there will be Fever Time from 4pm to 10pm. During this Fever Time, Scroll Traces will have their success rates increased (15% -> 25%, 30% -> 45%, 70% -> 95%).
New pets, Ballerina Rin, Little Soldier Hong, and Little Soldier Chung have been released!
The Mileage shop has had its limits reset.