Another Tespia patch has been released, this time with even more skill changes, some changes to the enhancement system, and a new set of summer events called Summer Limited (including an attendance check, coin shop, and ice boxes).
The world screen has also been changed, it says MapleStory: Coordinator’s Helping Hand – Star Force. Is that the Summer update’s name…? At least it gives a good indication that all the enhancement system changes will be coming in the first patch!
A while back I talked about the potential inheritance system, which was basically if your item got destroyed while scrolling, you would receive an Item Traces which carried the potential of your item. These Traces could then be used on another of the same equip to regain the potential you had previously.
Well, in this patch, it has been renamed equipment inheritance, and this is because the Traces will now carry over scrolled stats as well! I love this change, now if you boom your equip you just need to get another clean version and you’ll have all your progress back!
For the new enhancement system, for 10 stars and higher, the cost has been reduced and the success rates have been increased.
Items that have been scrolled by the Miraculous Enhancement Scrolls will have a blue display. These items cannot go past 15 stars and cannot be enhanced with the Star Force system.
New animations have been added for when you reach a level that gives you 2x SP or when you unlock a new Hyper Skill! Thanks to Spadow for the gifs~
Skill Changes
In the last patch, we tried to raise Hero’s hunting efficiency by changing the function of Combo Force. However, we realized that it was more useful before so we reverted the change but removed its Combo cost.
Combo Force: now pulls monsters to you, Combo cost has been removed
After removing the elemental ignore effect, the skill name did not match with its function so we changed it appropriately.
Void Elemental has been renamed Elemental Charge
Advanced Charge: number of hits boost to Charge skills have been increased from 1 to 2, number of hits boost to Blast has been decreased from 2 to 1
After the previous patch, we found that Bowmaster was still lacking damage, so we increased some numbers and fixed an error where Final Attack was not being activated sometimes.
However, the increased damage together with more activations of Final Attack were way too strong so after careful review, we reduced Arrow Blaster’s damage and attack speed.
Extreme Archery: Bow: damage boost has been increased from 30% to 40%, attack boost has been increased from 20 to 40
Arrow Blaster: installed turret’s damage has been decreased from 153% to 125%, attack speed has been changed from 80ms to 120ms, an error where Final Attack sometimes did not activate has been fixed
Illusion Step: DEX boost has been increased from 60 to 80
Hurricane: damage has been increased from 280% to 300%, an error where Final Attack sometimes did not activate has been fixed
Hurricane – Split Attack: damage reduction has been decreased from 50% to 65% (this means Hurricane will have 2 hits that each do 65% of its original damage)
Last patch, we decreased the delay and increased the attack speed of Assassinate and Boomerang Step to be stronger in 1:1 situations. However, now we think it might need to be stronger so we have adjusted its delay.
Assassinate: delay has been decreased
It makes sense that each skill should have a different role, but for Captains, both Rapid Shot and Head Shot are 1:1 skills. In order for both skills to have their own roles, we have deleted the Head Shot – Cooltime Reduce skill and replaced it with a Boss Killer upgrade. We have also adjusted Quick Draw.
Now, Captain has powerful hunting patterns in which they can use Rapid Shot and every now and then, Quick Draw into Head Shot for more damage.
Now, Captain has powerful hunting patterns in which they can use Rapid Shot and every now and then, Quick Draw into Head Shot for more damage.
Head Shot: damage has been decreased from 800% to 500%, number of hits has been increased from 4 to 8
Quick Draw: damage boost has been increased from 30% to 50%
Captain Dignity: damage has been increased from 200% to 250%
NEW! Head Shot – Boss Killer: Head Shot’s damage to bosses is increased by 20%.
REMOVED! Head Shot – Cooltime Reduce
In the last test server patch, we received many user comments that the new Ignis Roar was very bad while bossing, so we fixed that. In addition, changing Legendary Spear affected hunting a lot so we added a small change that should fix it.
Ignis Roar: attack boost has been returned to the existing effect (40 attack when the skill is used), in addition to existing effects this skill increases your attack by 3 for 10 seconds if you chain skills (up to a maximum of 10 times)
Legendary Spear: Leap Tornado’s damage boost has been increased from 30% to 60%, in addition to existing effects linking skills will reduce Legendary Spear’s cooldown by 1 second for each skill used
Demon Slayer
There was an error where Force was not being automatically recovered, making hunting a bit more difficult. We fixed the error so you can have a seamless battle experience.
Max Force: an error where Force was not being automatically recovered has been fixed
Demon Avenger
After last patch’s SP changes, Demon Avenger did not have enough skills to use all their SP.
Bloody Imprison: max level has been increased from 20 to 30
After last patch’s SP changes, Mechanic did not have enough skills to use all their SP.
Amplifier: AF-11: max level has been increased
Angelic Burster
Soul Seeker Expert was not as good as we’d hoped it would be due to its low activation rate, so we increased it.
Soul Seeker Expert: chance to activate has been increased from 25% to 35%