At around 5 minutes, they use footage from a private server called LucidMS LOL. Anyways I think there’s one more video, that has to do with the bosses.
This video has a lot of information which is not written in text, which I will not be translating, but I did cover a lot of what they said in my Supporters’ Day post, so check that out for more information.
Character Customizing
MapleStory’s customizing is varied and unique.
MapleStory 2’s customizing is varied and unique, but also easy to change at any time.
- You can change the length of your hair.
- You can change the location of your ponytails.
- You can change different parts of your hair separately.
- You can turn your hats at various angles.
- Directly design items.
- Wear stylish, eye-catching bags.
- Feel a sense of belonging with group costumes.
Come across Bonus Stages in fields. There are trophies, flying, cameras, and a wide variety of other content!
- Use ladders and platforms to move quickly.
- Discover unknown areas!
- Climb walls with rock climbing techniques.
- Use devices or ropes.
- Pick up objects.
- Let’s have a pole fight!
User-Created Mini-games
- Individual land ownership.
- Different types of land exist.
- Good land requires a lot of money.
- Place objects in Building Mode.
- Decorate the inside of your building.
- Store items in boxes.
- Place souvenirs with special effects.
- Put items on display with mannequins.
- Remotely swap costumes.
More content is being prepared!
- Directly create your own dungeons and mini-games?
- Place devices in rooms.
- Complete your own dungeon!
- Edit rooms while inside.
- Create and operate at the same time!
- A somewhat familiar screen?
- Fighting-type mini-games.
- Trap Master!