MapleStory Guides

Saturday, January 12, 2013

kMSt ver. 1.2.465 – Root Abyss!

Colossal Root
Finally, Root Abyss has been released in Tespia! This is a new area in Sleepywood that continues the storyline of the Transcendences of the Maple World. It’s also being released in GMS in a week! That’s really interesting, if they’ll get it before kMS does, haha.
There were some changes to Monster Life, such as combining as well as the addition of new systems like the Friends List Special Stores, but I’m not going to cover them because its sort of boring, haha.
The new area is located in Sleepywood actually! You can see the root of a large tree off the path to Ant Tunnel.
Falling into Root Abyss
The Cygnus Knights have heard of a young girl trapped in Root Abyss. As you go to investigate, your clumsy self will fall in.
Root Abyss
Root Abyss consists of the Colossal Root map, where you’ll find Alice, some shop owners, and 4 gates. Each gate leads to one of the new bosses!
Old Tree Key
Each boss has a Normal and Chaos Mode, for levels 100 and over, and 180 and over respectively. You can only enter a gate if you have an Old Tree Key in your inventory. There’s no limit to how many times you can enter each boss, but once you defeat them, you can no longer enter that day.
They all have the Death Count system and they all have some pretty unique skills compared to the past Maple bosses. They really give importance to your positioning in fights rather than raw damage.
First Meeting with Alice
You will be awakened by a girl named Alice. Now… there’s something special about her that you should know.
World Tree Alice
Alice is the World Tree, the Transcendence of Life for the Maple World! After the battle with the Black Mage, her powers became very weak. She rested in the Root Abyss, at the centre of Victoria Island, to regain her powers, since the area is filled with life energy.
Alice in Ereb
However, it seems that Alice has been sealed in the Root Abyss! To help her, you’ll have to defeat the four bosses in each gate.

The above video shows the ending of the Root Abyss storyline~ Thanks to Spadow for the video and chuanjun of EllinForest for the translations!
You reluctantly bring Alice to Ereb, because she has been sealed for so long and has not been able to see the world. However, you and her both know she will be safer there under the protection of Cygnus and Shinsoo. After Alice begins her sleep, Nineheart tells you that the Sealing Guardian has been revived. Who this is we don’t really know… but it probably means a new story will begin soon!
And we finally know where this picture takes place, in Root Abyss! More interesting is that we now know the identity of this mysterious person, none other than Demon’s brother, Damian! Damian is the Black Mage’s newest commander, and I think he is the Sealing Guardian mentioned above.
Queen City
Now let’s get into the bosses. First off, in the path to the left, lies Queen City. It’s really creepy with all the skulls and spiderwebs…
Bloody Queen
The boss for this area is the Bloody Queen. Definitely scary… she has four different forms, one for each of her heads. Each one can use a different type of skill.
Afternoon Tea Garden
The area to the bottom left leads to the Afternoon Tea Garden.
This is Pierre, another boss in the Root Abyss. Pierre can put hats onto those that fight him, and when he changes colours, those wearing hats will be inflicted with different effects.
Crack in Time
The next area is called the Crack in Time, and it definitely looks that way.
Von Bon
Von Bon is the boss for this place. I guess he can control the power of time, although how a chicken got that power I don’t know, haha. He can lay down special clocks that advance the timer if you stand in them!
Abyss Cave
The last area is the Abyss Cave. This one definitely looks like it’s the big boss zone, haha.
This is the final boss, Vellum. He’s huge! And I wonder if he’s really a dragon or a worm… we don’t really know what’s below the rocks. He is really annoying to fight, he’ll keep burrowing underground and you won’t be able to hit him.
Root Abyss Boss Hats
Each boss drops a hat, with the stats above. They’re untradeable upon equipping. Vellum’s Helm looks especially hilarious on a person, haha.
There are also Chaos versions that give a bit more stats and also 1 attack and magic attack. They have 10 slots instead of the 7 (Chaos Vellum’s Helm has 11 slots instead of 10).
Root Abyss Boss Chairs
They each also drop their own chair! I’m excited to get these~ Bloody Queen’s is my favourite!
Yggdrasil Rune StoneChaos Yggdrasil Rune Stone
These Yggdrasil Rune Stones (the blue one is the Chaos version) drop from the bosses.
Oko's Shop
You can spend them at Oko’s shop, to buy Sealed Boxes. There are two kinds, regular and Chaos, which are bought with the different Rune Stones. There are different boxes for hats, overalls/tops/bottoms, shoes/gloves, and weapons.
Sealed Box
These Sealed Boxes are opened by double clicking them and pressing the orange button. I think they give the new level 130 Imperial set, which you can see here.
Key Shop
There’s also one more shop where you can buy Old Tree Keys. The last item is a Equipment Repair Coupon, which instantly repairs an item (durability? Although there’s like no more equips with that…).
Guardian of the World Tree
Completing the quest line will get you the Guardian of the World Tree medal, which gives 3 to all stats, 200 HP and MP, 1 attack and magic attack, and 5 speed and jump.
90% Mysterious Scrolls Yggdrasil's Blessing
There are new scrolls that were added this patch. The first is the 90% Mysterious scroll, it gives some stats with a 100% chance to break if failed. It’s pretty good, there’s some for accessories and armor that give 1 attack/magic attack.
The second is Yggdrasil’s Blessing, which has a 30% success rate. The special thing about this scroll is that it gives stats based on an item’s experience! Although I don’t know how it works on most items (those without experience).
Gold Star Potion White Star Potion Black Star Potion Blue Star Potion Red Star Potion Rainbow Star Potion
There were also new Star Potions added, these are really interesting! Each gives a really good effect~ You can only use one at a time, and they only work in Root Abyss. However, there are also Sparkling versions of these potions which can be used anywhere!
Here are the effects, in order of the pictures above.
  • 20 attack and magic attack for 1 hour 
  • Chance to acquire Epic rank items is increased for 1 hour
  • Chance to acquire Unique rank items is increased for 1 hour
  • Ignore 20% of a monster’s defense for 1 hour
  • Your damage to bosses is increased by 20% for 1 hour
  • When you defeat a Root Abyss boss, you will acquire one Mysterious Leaf
Oh yeah, a new party quest, Tangyoon’s Cooking Classes, has been added! It’s for levels 60 to 90, and requires 1 to 3 parties. I’m not sure what it is though, I haven’t seen a picture or video of it yet…