The second patch in the Cygnus Returns update has been released, including a newly reorganized Wind Breaker, the highest level area in MapleStory Twilight of Perion, as well as a large world merge (like huge) and some events!
They even increased the maximum number of character slots to 30! Read on for more information~

Here’s the full poster for Wind Breaker! Did I mention how much I love his art? Because I do.

And here’s the world selection screen for this patch~

The highest level area in MapleStory, Twilight of Perion, has been released! In the Gate to the Future, you can go to the Destroyed Six Paths Crossway in order to travel there.

Twilight of Perion is a new area designed for those levels 190 to 200. Many of the NPCs from Perion are there, albeit older. There are also new monsters based off of the originals in the present MapleStory world.

There are some special items that you can only get from Twilight of Perion! The earrings actually suck, so I’m not sure why they even exist haha.
- Shaman Earrings (5 all stats, 70 defense and magic defense, 150 HP and MP)
- 40/50% Twilight One-handed/Two-handed Weapon for Attack/Magic Attack Scrolls
- 40/50% Twilight Two-handed Weapon for Attack Scrolls
- 10% Glove for Attack Scroll
- 50% Twilight Epic Potential Scroll

Twelve different worlds (yes you heard that right) have been merged into one! Mir, Nova, Cosmo, Androa, Chaos, Titan, Legend, Elf, Justice, Raven, Tempest, and Pantheon have all become one!

The event notification system has been updated! Now, you can use the event calendar to choose which event icons you would like to have on the side of your screen (up to 5 at a time).
It’s great because recently they’ve been adding icons for every single event, haha.

Wind Breakers can now be created! They have received the same general changes as Striker, which you can see in this post.
Note: all character creation has been restricted except for Adventurers, Knights of Cygnus, and Resistance.

Wind Breakers have also received special new skills that will give you a new type of play style!

A new skill called Wind Walk will let you glide across the air! You will be completely invulnerable while moving.

In second job, you will receive Trifling Whim. This skill will greatly increase the damage of your fast attacking skills, giving you a chance to shoot extra arrows at monsters!

A pre-existing skill, Albatross, has been changed! Borrow the power of the legendary archer Albatross to greatly increase your strength! In fourth job, you will get Albatross Maximum, which will passively increase the boosts from Albatross.

Wind Breaker’s character card gives 2/4/6/8 accuracy (hahahahahaha… is it sad that the Bowmaster card gives this too?).
Wind Breaker Skills

Elemental Slash: Strike up to 3 enemies in front of you with a slash of unrefined elemental power dealing 130% damage.

Journey Home: Borrow Shinsoo’s aura to return to the side of the Empress. There is a cooldown of 30 minutes.
Elemental Harmony: Learn the harmony between the elements and increase your affinity for them, increasing your DEX by 1 for every 2 character levels.
Elemental Expert: Your mastery over the elements decreases all your attacking skills’ elemental properties by 100%. This skill is unlocked after your fourth job advancement.

Elemental Shift: Jump once again while in the air by pressing the jump key with an arrow key.
Cygnus Blessing: The awakened Empress’ blessing protects you from enemies’ attacks, increasing your resistance to states and elements by 5% (10% for level 2). If other Cygnus jobs exist within your account, you can stack this Link Skill up to 5 times. If linked, this skill’s effects will be reduced to 2% (5% for level 2). (Link Skill)
First Job

Breeze Arrow: Shoot up to 5 enemies in front of you with arrows using the power of the wind, dealing 120% damage 3 times. (max level: 20)

Wind Walk: Borrow the power of the wind to move forward, ignoring collisions with monsters. As you move, it will be as if there was a platform below you. You can use Wind Walk while in the air. Passive effect: 35 speed, 15 jump, 20 maximum speed. (max level: 15)

Element: Storm: Summon the green wind element to gain power, increasing your damage by 10% for 180 seconds. (max level: 10)
Whisper of the Wind: Listen to the whisper of the wind, gaining ancient knowledge and a swift body, increasing your attack by 20, accuracy and avoid by 400, and range by 160. (max level: 20)
Second Job

Fairy Turn: Gently turn while dancing with the wind, pushing up to 6 enemies while dealing 195% damage 3 times. (max level: 20)

Gust Shot: Shoot arrows quickly in front of you, hitting up to 6 enemies for 285% damage 2 times. (max level: 20)

Bow Booster: The speed of your bow is increased by 2 stages for 200 seconds. (required skill: level 5 Bow Mastery) (max level: 10)

Sylph’s Aid: With the help of the spirit of wind, gain knowledge in battle, giving you 20 attack, 10% critical rate, and causing your attacks to use up no arrows for 200 seconds. (max level: 10)
Trifling Whim I: The spirit of wind appears around you on a whim, with a 20% chance of shooting up to 3 extra arrows dealing 170% damage when you attack enemies. There is a 5% chance of the damage being increased to 210%. (max level: 20)
Bow Mastery: Your mastery over the bow is increased to 50%, and your accuracy is increased by 120. (max level: 20)
Physical Training: Permanently increase your DEX and STR by 30. (max level: 10)
Third Job

Dance of Frozen Wind: Arrows that contain the cold chill of the wind attacking up to 6 enemies in front of you for 165% damage as long as the skill key is held down. Using the arrow keys while holding down this skill will move it, within 350 range. This skill cannot activate Trifling Whim or Storm Bringer. (max level: 20)

Pinpoint Pierce: Shoot two arrows to pierce the exact same spot on 1 enemy, dealing 340% damage 2 times. If you attack the same enemy multiple times, it will gain a debuff that increases your damage to it by 20%. (max level: 20)

Albatross: Borrow the power of the legendary archer Albatross, increasing your attack by 20, HP by 1500, critical chance by 10%, and attack speed by 1 stage for 200 seconds. (max level: 20)

Emerald Flower: Summon a green flower with an special scent in front of you for 60 seconds with 20,000 HP, causing enemies that walk near it to be slowed and attracted to the flower. (max level: 10)
Trifling Whim II: The spirit of wind uses greater power, giving a 30% chance to shoot up to 4 extra arrows dealing 215% damage when you attack enemies. There is a 10% chance of its damage being increased to 270%. (required skill: level 20 Trifling Whim I) (max level: 20)
Featheriness: Your body becomes as light as a feather, reducing damage taken by 30% as well as increasing your resistance to states and elements by 10%. (max level: 20)
Second Wind: Borrow the power of the wind to dodge an impossible situation, increasing your avoid rate by 30%, and your defense and magic defense by 1000. If you dodge an attack, you will gain 15 attack for 5 seconds. (max level: 20)
Fourth Job

Cygnus Knights: Receive the blessing of the awakened Empress, increasing the stats of all party members by 15% for 900 seconds. (max level: 30)

Sky’s Song: Play the song of the wind to strike down up to 4 enemies, dealing 250% damage continuously However, the damage will be increased by 10% if you are hitting only one enemy. (max level: 30)

Spiral Vortex: Spiraling arrows that follow the wind are shot at up to 7 enemies, dealing 380% damage 5 times while knocking them back. The arrows will continue to attack enemies dealing 230% splash damage 2 times for a short period of time. (max level: 30)

Wind Blessing: With the wind’s blessing, learn how to become one with the wind, increasing your DEX by 12%, accuracy by 30%, evasion rate by 30%, and HP by 20% for 180 seconds. (max level: 30)

Sharp Eyes: Grants party members the ability to locate an enemy’s weak spot to deal fatal damage to that enemy, increasing their critical chance by 20% and maximum critical damage by 30% for 300 seconds. (max level: 30)
Trifling Whim III: The spirit of wind uses even stronger attacks, giving a 40% chance to shoot up to 5 arrows dealing 255% damage when attacking There is a 15% chance to increase the damage to 330%. (required skill: level 20 Trifling Whim II) (max level: 20)
Bow Expert: Your bow mastery is increased to 70%, your attack by 30, and your minimum critical damage by 15%. (required skill: level 10 Bow Mastery) (max level: 30)
Emerald Dust: Emerald Flower is strengthened, becoming better in combat, increasing its HP by 40,000 and duration by 20 seconds, as well as decreasing the defense of monsters around it by 10% and reducing your damage taken by 20%. (required skill: level 10 Emerald Flower) (max level: 10)
Albatross Maximum: The legendary archer Albatross’ strength is brought out within you, increasing Albatross’ effects. It will then increase your attack by 50, your damage by 25%, defense ignored by 15%, critical chance by 25%, resistance to states and elements by 15%, and your attack speed by 2 stages. (required skill: level 20 Albatross) (max level: 30)
Trifling Whim – Reinforce: Trifling Whim’s damage is increased by 20%.
Trifling Whim – Enhance: Trifling Whim’s chance to activate is increased by 10%.
Trifling Whim – Double Chance: Trifling Whim gains the ability to hit a single monster 2 times.
Spiral Vortex – Reinforce: Spiral Vortex’s damage is increased by 20%.
Spiral Vortex – Extra Target: Spiral Vortex’s number of monsters hit is increased by 2.
Spiral Vortex – Bonus Attack: Spiral Vortex’s number of hits is increased by 1.
Sky’s Song – Reinforce: Sky’s Song’s damage is increased by 20%.
Sky’s Song – Ignore Guard: Sky’s Song’s defense ignored is increased by 20%.
Sky’s Song – Boss Killer: Sky’s Song’s damage to bosses is increased by 20%.

Storm Bringer: Call the power of the storm to gain the ability to punish enemies, giving you a 30% chance to summon a giant arrow that deals 500% damage when you use an attack for 200 seconds. [required level: 150]

Monsoon: Summon a monsoon that engulfs the world, dealing 430% damage 12 times to 15 enemies. Enemies hit will gain a debuff that deals 200% damage on them every second for 30 seconds. There is a cooldown of 90 seconds. [required level: 170]

Glory of Guardians: The knights who swore to protect Empress Cygnus undergo a sense of honor, increasing their damage by 10% and maximum damage by 5,000,000 for 60 seconds. This effect only applies to Knights of Cygnus in the party. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. [required level: 200]
Thanks to Fiel of Southperry for skill effects and animations!

On February 23, there will be a Hot Time to celebrate Wind Breaker’s release! You’ll receive the Intention Wind Breaker hat (10 to all stats, 150 HP and MP, 100 defense and magic defense, 10 slots, 5% critical, 5 STR and DEX, 5 attack if you’re a 3rd or 4th job Wind Breaker) as well as the Cygnus Returns medal (6 to all stats, 6 attack and magic attack, expires).

At the levels above, Wind Breakers will receive a bow as well as the entire equipment set~ At level 100, you’ll get 5000 White Gold Medium Arrows. (sort of useless, haha)

There will also be Happy Times, every Monday and Thursday! This time, you’ll have to log in game from 2pm to 11pm on these days to claim your prizes.

You’ll get a Mystery Mastery Book each day along with extra items:
- February 21: 50% Innocent Scroll
- February 25: Happy Android, Happy Heart
- February 28/March 4/March 7: 70% One-handed/Two-handed Weapon for Attack/Magic Attack Scroll (depending on your class)
- March 11: 60% Miraculous Chaos Scroll
- March 14: 3 Day Hired Merchant
- March 18: 70% Armor for Attack Scroll

Wow, the 70% scroll for armor gives 5 attack and magic attack! It has a 50% chance of breaking if failed though. You can see what the Happy Androids look like above, and it seems the Happy Heart will expire.

The Maple Museum King event has returned! This will run until March 20. You must collect 9 items from monsters to finish each set. However, sometimes you’ll get one of the items on the bottom row. If you get 10 of them, you’ll be able to trade them in for a random item required for the set.
Completing a set will get you a special buff (10 attack and magic attack for marine life 2x drop for weapons, and 20 attack and magic attack for sweets) that lasts 30 minutes.

Completing the three sets will get you different prizes. The first time you’ll get 10 Reindeer Milk and a Mystery Mastery Book, second is 10 Power Elixirs and a 70% Equipment Enhancement Scroll, and the third will give you a Mastery Book Synergy and a Special Potential Scroll.
Yeah… the first prize is the best… doesn’t really make sense.

If you can complete all 3 sets at least once for 7 days, you’ll get the Maple Museum King of Kings medal (300 HP and MP, 5 attack and magic attack) as well as the Maple Museum King of Kings Style Accessory (3 to all stats, 20 defense and magic defense, 50 accuracy and avoid). They both last 30 days.

The Enjoy! Maple Special Week!! event has begun, and will run until March 20.

The weekly attendance checks will have different prizes this week! You’ll now get the Weekend Special Rings on the various days, I think each one upgrades from the last. On the 14th day, you’ll get the same prize as the last few weeks, a 50% Unique Potential Scroll!

The Weekend Special Ring <Stage 1> gives 3 to all stats and has 1 slot. On Saturdays and Sundays, you’ll get a bonus 2 to all stats and 1 attack and magic attack.
The Weekend Special Ring <Stage 5> (last one) gives 6 to all stats, 3 attack and magic attack, and has 1 slot. On Saturdays and Sundays, you’ll get 10% critical rate, 10% boss damage, 5 to all stats and 5 attack and magic attack. They both expire, sadly.

Finally this event brings the Maple Special Weekend! Every weekend, you’ll get a free Teleport Rock, 1.5x experience on party quest clears, and 2x drop on bosses!
The drop rate increase only applies to Dragonica, Dragon Rider, Papulatus, Pianus, Zakum, Chaos Zakum, Horntail, Chaos Horntail, Pink Bean, Chaos Pink Bean, Van Leon, Cygnus, Arkarium, Hilla, and Magnus.

In the Cash Shop, Luti pets have been released! They come in regular, Purple, and Mint versions. But they also come with Dye Coupons, that will allow you to change their colour to anything you want~