MapleStory Guides

Monday, August 3, 2009

Beware~ Temporary dun change password first~ + pink bean battle plan~

Few week ago i already saw at forum many people say that their account tio hack after change password, i not sure it true or not, but 1 thing i sure about it today our server FORNAX got 2 player tio hack after they change their password~
if u play at morning, u can see many mega flow out~ firstly ask gm check help, then become mass mega ask gm come out, and end with scolding gm~ yes~ finally gm also no come out solve the problem~ if u ask me y gm never help? then this asnwer i will give u for sure! FORNAX in 2 condition u only can see or found GM~
1.event (but the event always end very fast due to one of our famous player is a gm)
actually gm also is a normal human like us,(and i sure gm income is very less, that the reason they very lazy, human need money to motivate themself lolx) just they work is helping player and scanning hacker~
but we all know gm never do they work, so if u really tio hack or found hacker, aiya, save ur mega lar, useless de, gm wont come out and ask u "hey! where is the hacker?"

One fact i wanna bring out today post~ dream of downing horn tail is far away~ y? is that fornax player so noob cannot down? or becos fornax not enuff attker? the asnwer is no! NO! wth? asnwer is no?? y we still cannot down it! actually our server long time ago already enuff attker to down horntail~ but y we still cant manage to do it? is becos our server high level attker all no teamwork at all~ sometime still fight each other =.=" fornax already so less attker somemore wan fight each other, haiz, bo huat~ is this call human being? lolx
horn tail already cannot down, no need think about pink bean le~ haiz.....
here is the battle plan i bring out from forum, hope this will motivate our fornax high level attker teamwork and love each other~ happy mapling!

♀♂♠♥ Guide to Pink Bean Aka Pinkachu V1.2 - Time Extension

Pink Bean
You have to obtain:
10 x Laughing Mask
10 x Crying Mask
10 x Dawn Mask
1 x Dodo Helmet
1 x Lilinoh Mask
1 x Layka Horn

Ranged are to have at least 6k Hp in this stage without HB to fight till Phrase 3 [Much better if its 6250]
Phrase 4 have to be 8,500 Hp WITHOUT HB
Normal Ranged with Hb to be 13,600 is 8,500 HP [If your WD/MD is terrible]
Actually , 7500 is enough

Warriors are to have 30k Hp , Max Achillies . Max Damage 23k - Pink Been's Physical but 30k to be save . 25 also can .
Lv 160 Warrior needs 348 acc
Lvl 170 Warrior needs 275 acc
Lv 180 Warrior needs 201 acc

Magicians are to have at least 5k Hp / 25k Mp WITH HB . - 5Hp + 20k Mp to tank 25k Damage . (Without Invincible)
However , The max Damage is 23k , Therefore - 4250k Hp + 17,000 Mp to Tank 21,250 Damage . -Or Less- (Pink Been's Physical with Invincible) By then you need Miso Ramen OR Power Elixer .

Maximum MAGIC Damage : 13k
Maximum Physical Damage : 23k

30 Men Bossing :

5 Bishops , 3 Shadowers , 5 Dark Knights , 5 BowMasters/xBow Master , 5 Night Lord , 4 Heros , 3 Viper

Explaination :

Bishops : To provide more Revives

Shadowers : To spam smoke once it cooldown

Dark Knight : Hyper Body Purposes , i put only 1 backup as Dk should have 25k+ Hp and wont die so easily

X Bow Man Purposes - To spam Snipe once cooldown finishes . Updates : 2OOk Damage Capped and 5 Seconds Cooldown (i doubt it will be out so soon)
Current Snipe cooldown 10 Seconds and Damage capped at 99k - We now prefer Xbow Master in Pink Been

Night Lords - To Decrease the time used to fight Pink Been . I have put enough Night Lords as not many Night Lord have high Hp to tank throughout .

Heros - the tankers of the Game . The highest chance of survival with Power Guard and Achillies . I should put more but there isnt any slot left

Viper - To speed up the Partys' Damage + Time Leap to cool down Shadowers' Smokescreen

Party 1 will be the Main party . The strongest should be in there .

Party 1 [Main Party 1]
Shadower [Smoking purposes - Max Smoke]
Bishop [Healing + Revive]
Viper [ Speed infusion and Time Leap]
Dark Knight [Hb Purposes]
BowMaster/Xbow Master [SE Purposes / Snipe ]
Night Lord [Haste Purposes]

Party 2
Shadower [Smoking purposes - Max Smoke]
Bishop [Healing + Revive]
Viper [ Speed infusion and Time Leap]
Dark Knight [Hb Purposes]
BowMaster/Xbow Master [SE Purposes / Snipe ]
Night Lord [Haste Purposes]

Party 3
Bishop [Healing + Revive]
Dark Knight [Hb Purposes]
Night Lord [Haste Purposes]
BowMaster/Xbow Master [SE Purposes / Snipe ]
Night Lord [Haste Purposes]
Hero [Attacker]

Party 4
Bishop [Healing + Revive]
Dark Knight [Hb Purposes]
BowMaster/Xbow Master [SE Purposes / Snipe ]
Night Lord [Haste Purposes]
Hero [Attacker]

Party 5
Bishop [Healing + Revive]
Dark Knight [Hb Purposes]
BowMaster/Xbow Master [SE Purposes / Snipe ]
Shadower[Smoking Purposes - Max Smoke]
Viper [Speed Infusion + Time Leap]

Statue 1

Wiseman Solomon [300m] HP
3 Attacks - Lightning + Seal [Cannot use Skill]
1/1 + Stun / Physical damage with Slow .
Maximum Damage :4570
Extra Information : Dark Knights can Berzerk while fighting this Statue - Max Damage 4570 Only :P However , you MUST Have auto Pot Because after 1/1 , its stun . Only Auto Pot pots faster than your fingers .

Statue 2

Wiseman Rex [300m] HP
3 Attacks - Lightning with Darkness [No Accuracy]
1/1 With Zombify [Bishop's Healing becomes Killing,Pot recovery Becomes 50% = Power Elixer = heals 50% only]
Physical Attack with Poison [Deduct your Hp for ?? Seconds and ?? damage every second]
Mass Dispel
Confusion [Walks the opposite direction , meaning that you will move left if you press Right]
When crossing from left to right , do not hit Pink Been in the Center , it will summon Mini Pink
From 2nd Phrase , Pink Been will have Full Screen attack randomly with 8000 Damage
Maximum Damage : 4760

Statue 3

Huigin [450m] HP
Never Stand infront of the Left Hawk
No Damage if you stand on the Left side of the Hawk , meaning to say , dont walk pass the Bird Statue
Special Buff = You will take 10% of Your own Damage , that means you will hit yourself O_O

Statue 4

Munin [450m] HP
Right Hawk has Seduce , However there is a spot to stand at to prevent being seduced .
Special Buff = You will take 10% of Your own Damage , that means you will hit yourself O_O
Poison Mist : 2K DMG Per Second

Statue 5

Ariel [600m] HP
13K Damage when exploding
Second Last to be hit . After that then hit Pink Been to end .

Statue 6

Pink Been [2.1Billion] HP
Pink Been Attack 1 = 10% of Your own Damage
Pink Been Attack 2 = Full Screen Without warning - 18k Damage
Pink Been Physical Attack = 23k
Seal your skills
Summons Mini Been

How Does this COMPLICATED thing works?

There are alot of HP Bars , total of 5 Hp Bars + Pink Been Personal Hp Bar , Meaning to say , there are 5 phrases to battle in .

Phrase 1 : Wiseman Solomon [300m] HP

Phrase 2 : Wiseman Solomon [300m] HP + Wiseman Rex [300m] HP

Phrase 3 : Wiseman Solomon [300m] HP + Wiseman Rex [300m] HP +Huigin [450m] HP

Phrase 4 : Wiseman Solomon [300m] HP + Wiseman Rex [300m] HP +Huigin [450m] HP + Munin [450m] HP

Phrase 5 : Wiseman Solomon [300m] HP + Wiseman Rex [300m] HP +Huigin [450m] HP + Munin [450m] HP + Ariel + Pink Been

*Note : You have 8 Seconds to walk from Right To left after every Phrase*

You still dont understand ?
It Means you have to fight

Wiseman Solomon 5 Times
Wiseman Rex 4 Times
Huigin 3 Times
Munin 2 Times
Ariel 1 Time
Pink Been 1 Time

Battle Style

Phrase 1

Phrase 2

Phrase 3

Phrase 5

This 1st Picture Below Can also be used for Phrase 4

Extra Tips / Information

Warriors are to attack from the RIGHT side of Pink Bean while
the other attackers are to remain on the left .
Reason : When ranged attackers die , they revive on the left , so they wouldnt have to go to the right if i put ranged attackers to fight on the right .
Knockback will caused the Pink Bean to face you , therefore warriors need damage to knockback PB .
PB is to faced RIGHT >> all the time when the 30 men are fighting.
When PB turns left , ALL RANGED attackers are to STOP hitting and wait for the WARRIORS to knockback so that it could turn to the right

2) Buffs
Attack Buffs are also important . You may follow what the Demethus do , Fight horntail beforehand to get the Horntail Buff .

3) The start of Phrase 5 --> When fighting Ariel and Pink Bean , timer will reset to 1 Hour .

4) It IS possible to start fighting the Right Scholar first before starting of the Left Scholar . Likewise for the Hawks

5) Both Hawks can hit what is infront of them , not behind them . So stand behind the statue while hitting them . (Behind what the direction the hawk is facing)

6) Right Hawk Knows Poison Mist , dealing 2K Damage every second

7) Major Time Extension . 1x Hours Time .

Pink Been - Drops

reward.0 Reindeer Milk
reward.1 Sunset Dew
reward.2 Power Elixir
reward.3 Mana Elixir
reward.4 Elixir

reward.5 Reverse Fennel (Warrior helmet)
reward.6 Reverse Coral (Magician helmet)
reward.7 Reverse Rapid (Bowman helmet)
reward.8 Reverse Chiev (Thief helmet)
reward.9 Reverse Conrad Henkel (Pirate helmet)

reward.10 Reverse Taragon (Warrior overall)
reward.11 Reverse Mist Blue (Magician overall)
reward.12 Reverse Evernew (Bowman overall)
reward.13 Reverse Frenzied (Thief overall)
reward.14 Reverse Burgunt (Pirate overall)

reward.15 Reverse Bergamot (Warrior gloves)
reward.16 Reverse Hermosa (Magician gloves)
reward.17 Reverse Presto (Bowman gloves)
reward.18 Reverse Rubab (Thief gloves)
reward.19 Reverse Charleston (Pirate gloves)

reward.20 Reverse Grabe (Warrior shoes)
reward.21 Reverse Cabatina (Magician shoes)
reward.22 Reverse Rontano (Bowman shoes)
reward.23 Reverse Moonsted (Thief shoes)
reward.24 Reverse Paraon (Pirate shoes)

reward.25 Reverse Executioners (One-handed Sword)
reward.26 Reverse Berdishou (One-handed Axe)
reward.27 Reverse Alargando (One-handed Blunt Weapon)
reward.28 Reverse Peskaz (Dagger)
reward.29 Reverse Kilik (Dagger)
reward.30 Reverse Enril Tear (Wand)
reward.31 Reverse Aeis Hand (Staff)
reward.32 Reverse Nifleheim (Two-handed Sword)
reward.33 Reverse Tabarjin (Two-handed Axe)
reward.34 Reverse Beloche (Two-handed Blunt Weapon)
reward.35 Reverse Alchupiece (Spear)
reward.36 Reverse Diesirae (Pole Arm)
reward.37 Reverse Engau (Bow)
reward.38 Reverse Black Beauty (Crossbow)
reward.39 Reverse Rampion (Claw)
reward.40 Reverse Equinox (Knuckle)
reward.41 Reverse Blindness (Gun)

reward.42 Time Stone
Reverse Weapon can also be hunt from TimeLess Temple monsters