MapleStory Guides

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fornax bo people kill Barlog?

Sunday i go Balrog's Tomb ch 5 and ch10, but i totally cant manage found even 1 single player there! WTH? no people wanna kill barlog boss ar? the drop is cool and nice~ hope fornax will have some player always camp at there~

Basic Info

HP: 4,280,000
MP: 30,000
Avoid: 12
KB: 50000


Lvl : 105

Form : Devil

The Prince of Darkness that was buried and sealed up deep in the Center Dungeon of Victoria Island. Sealed up decades ago by Manji and Tristan, its presence had since been largely forgotten. Lately, however, it has been slowly recovering strength and showing signs of eagerness to break out of the seal and bring destruction back to the world of Maple.

Drop Item

Balrog Khan
Balrog Fraute
Balrog Gaea
Balrog Bipennis
Balrog Heaven's Justice
Balrog Ruin Hammer
Balrog Angelic Betrayal
Balrog Dragon's Tail
Balrog Cursayer
Balrog Varkit
Balrog Magicodar
Balrog Kage
Balrog Blue Marine
Balrog Blue Screamer
Balrog Heaven's Gate
Balrog Berzerker
Balrog Devil's Sunrise
Balrog Helios
Balrog Colonian Axe
Balrog Morning Star
Balrog Leomite
Balrog Omega Spear
Balrog Fairfrozen
Balrog Eclipse
Balrog Hellslayer
Balrog Marine Arund
Balrog Fire Arund
Balrog Golden Arund
Balrog Dark Arund
Balrog Metus
Balrog Marine Raven
Balrog Fire Raven
Balrog Golden Raven
Balrog Dark Raven
Balrog Casa Crow
Balrog Black Mamba
Balrog Casters
Balrog Steel Renot
Balrog White Vampire
Balrog Infinity
Balrog Peacemaker
Balrog Furry Leather Shoes

Power Elixir
Mana Elixir
Return Scroll - Nearest Town
All Cure Potion
Fried Chicken
White Potion
Hot Dog
Orange Juice
Hot Dog Supreme
Dried Squid
Pure Water
Grape Juice
Melting Cheese
Reindeer Milk
Sunrise Dew
Sunset Dew
Chaos Scroll 60%
Reverse Scroll 1%
Sunset Balrog Scroll 5%
(Improves overall stats on Balrog Leather Shoes. Success Rate:5%, STR +4, INT +4, DEX +4, LUK +4, Speed +4, Jump +4, Avoidability +4, Accuracy +4, Weapon DEF +14, Magic DEF +14, MaxHP +40, MaxMP +40) (Can only be used on Balrog Furry Leather Shoes and Balrog Leather Shoes) (Trade Block)

Eternal Bullet

Balrog Leather

Appearing Area


Balrog's Tomb

Since someone was requesting a drop list. There was one item that I extracted from the monster book that cannot be found in the data files. I don't know if its a mistake of nexon or if it is just some unreleased item.

Sunset Balrog Scroll 5%

(Improves overall stats on Balrog Leather Shoes. Success Rate:5%, STR +4, INT +4, DEX +4, LUK +4, Speed +4, Jump +4, Avoidability +4, Accuracy +4, Weapon DEF +14, Magic DEF +14, MaxHP +40, MaxMP +40) (Can only be used on Balrog Furry Leather Shoes and Balrog Leather Shoes) (Trade Block)
